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Instead of Alya to find a way to get down, she decided to eat on the tree branch. She was way too hungry to wait. So with one leg crossed over the other, and the giant fish in her hands, she dug in like a hungry wolf.

While we was eating, a small old man was sitting on the ground with his own fish in his hands, while Sylith stayed beside him, halfway through his.

The old man's eyes were cold, and his body somewhat stiff. He stared at his fish in silence, till it got broken by Sylith's purring.
With a sigh, he took the first bite of his fish.

'I'm sure she's eating up there.'


About an hour later, Alya was done with her meal, and reluctantly got down, to see an impatient old man with a long cane in his hands. She deliberately took time so that she could rest, she needed it.

"So, I guess that's all for today yes?" Her eyes showed hope.

"Don't make me laugh."


"It's just a bit past noon, you'll repeat the things you did this morning. Then after that, I may allow you to go to bed, yes?"

""But....I just ate." She held her tummy with a frown on her face, but teacher was getting impatient.

"You were done eating thirty minutes ago, so I recommend you start training, or else you'll continue till the morning. Start."

So that's how Alya did the same workouts again, which wasn't easier the second time.


The sun was setting, showing an amazing scene of orange pink, and some purple. In no time darkness took over the day, covered with millions of stars, and a bright crescent Moon giving the earth some light. The forest, unlike other serene places, was still bustling with howls and rustling of the leaves in the cold wind. Somehow it felt a bit soothing to the ears.

Alya was done with her last set of laps and was free for the night. Surely the first thing she would do was take a long shower and go straight to bed. But before all that.....



"So teacher, what'll we have for dinner?" She said with a wide smile on her face.

She wasn't embarrassed by the way her tummy rumbled loudly.

"Go freshen up for dinner before you ask that." teacher groaned as he shooed her away with his tiny hands.

"Yes sir."

With that, she ran back to her new room, and quickly washed up for dinner.

Alya wore a red loose knee length night gown with her hair tied up in a messy bun, which wasn't easy with her long red hair.

She was about to open the door when she heard scratching sounds on her door. She had an idea who it was. With a smile, she opened the door and looked down.


Before she could say anything else, The chubby cat started walking back, he wanted her to follow him.

"You're taking me to the dining room aren't you?"


"Alright then."(so cute.....).



Right in front of her was a big table holding mouthwatering dishes of different kinds, beef, fish, chicken, soup, salad, the whole thing. Alya could be crying right now if she wasn't trying to hold herself.

'I've only seen these in magazines!'

Right at the end of the table, sat teacher with his eyes fixed on nothing in particular.

"Who else are we waiting for?"

"Do I look like the person who would have someone to invite?" His voice was as calm as ever.

"I guess not."

Alya quickly sat on a chair, thinking of when she could start eating.

"Why is there so much food? And who made all this?"

"Just shut up and eat."

The sentence she was waiting for.

"Yes sir!"

In no time, she dug in.


To to teacher and Sylith's shock, Alya had eaten more than half of the food on the table. And what's more surprising was the she still wasn't full.

"Can I have that?"

"Oh, that looks tasty."

"What about this one?"

"mmmh, so good."

"Need some water."


"Excuse me."

"Are you gonna finish that?"


"You have quite the appetite."

"Me? I've never noticed. I've never eaten like this, so you can't blame me." Her cheeks turned red at the comment.


"Well I'm full. Complements to the chef. I'll be heading to my room now. Thanks for the meal." She slowly stood up, then slightly bowed to teacher before walking back to her room.

The old man's gaze fell on her retreating back for a short time, then back to his meal.

"Weird girl."


As soon as she stepped into her room, she plopped down on the bed and held a nearby pillow.

"What a meal. probably my first meal in a while."

Some rays of moonlight seeped through the window and landed on her flawless skin. She rolled around in her bed, still thinking of her amazing meal, and what more there is to come.

"Training was back breaking, and bone crushing. And this was just the first day, still more days ahead. How am I gonna survive this?"

Before she could think of anything else she fell asleep.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now