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"Take your time."


The note Nyx was waving in front of Crissal's face had only those words written on it. Though it was dark they could still see the words. Crissal stared intently at the note, it was indeed her uncle's handwriting with his signature at the bottom right corner of the paper. She didn't want to believe this.

The next second she snatched the paper from Nyx's hands. Her round eyes narrowed as she read the sentence once more which deepened her frown.

His intent was reasonable, it wouldn't be safe to go to Crolis right away, there was a possibility her parents' people were already on the look out for her in Crolis. It was indeed the best idea, but that didn't mean Crissal was all for it. She crossed her arms over her chest as she thought hardly on the situation. Six months was a very long time, the war could be over by then, what would be the point?

With a heavy sigh, she threw the note, which got caught in the cold night wind for a second before Alya caught it with two of her fingers.

"You should be more careful, it's crucial not to leave any traces."
With that the note between Alya's fingers caught up in flames, burning it to a crisp instantly.

Crissal quietly gazed at her for a few seconds.


Seconds later she turned away and walked ahead towards the first belt, leaving the girls behind. Nyx turned to Alya, who did the same.

"Good job catching the paper before it was blown away by the wind."

"Thanks, who knows whose hands it would've landed in if we weren't careful." Alya swiftly dusted her hands off to remove any lingering ashes from the note she burned up.

"Since when were you so experienced in things like this?"

Alya concealed how startled she was at Nyx's question. That knowledge came from her past life, escaping debts and running away for one reason or the other. She didn't have a reason to hide that specific part of her life, not that she was living that life anymore.

"Past life experience." She simply stated, then walked away before Nyx could ask anymore questions. Nyx did have more questions about Alya's past life, but she decided to hold her tongue for a while, at least till they reach Crolis.

The girls swiftly crossed over to the second belt since there were no dangerous beasts in the first belt, only trees, shrubs and berry bushes. It was also of help that they could see clearly in the dark due to their animal traits. It was helpful cats and foxes could see in the dark.

The dangerous beasts they were looking for start appearing in the second belt of the forest. The animals living in the first belt had no ranking.

All beasts had ranks based on strength and intelligence, nine ranks in total. Viris, the forest the girls were in had all nine of them, separated between three of the regions of the forest. The second belt had the three lowest classes; the ninth, eighth and seventh class. The third belt was inhabited by the sixth, fifth and fourth class beasts, and the fourth and innermost belt of the forest held the three highest ranks in Dosir. There was once another class of beast, the mythic tier beasts; class zero beasts, but they are known to be extinct, hence ten classes of beasts became nine.

Alya took her time to pluck anything edible and placed them all in her spatial pouch.

Alya was also going to hunt some blood tusked rabbits but Nyx didn't let her. She had made a rule, stating hunting of rankless game was prohibited.

The second belt of the forest was more dense with trees and stronger beasts. Alya was on the lookout for any beasts she could fight and her waiting was not long before they encountered one.


The girls were face to face with a giant bird covered with giant blood red scales and huge sharp silver talons that could cut a tree in half. Its four wings were edged with silver scales as sharp as blades, the same color as its beak and talons. The beast resembled a chicken on earth but almost ten feet tall and ten times more dangerous.

The bird was sleeping in its giant nest under a huge tree with a canopy. The leaves and branches blocked the moon's rays from seeping through.

The girls gazed at the ferocious looking bird fast asleep under the tree's canopy. Nyx's eyes darted to the ground in search for a rock.

"This beast is most likely class seven...."

Alya turned to Nyx and was petrified to see what Nyx was holding.

"I hope your not so stupid as to do what I'm thinking you'll do" Crissal tried to interfere, but it fell on deaf ears.

Nyx played with the rock in her hand like it was some baseball she found on the ground.

"This is your first fight with a beast, you verses an adult terrakin."

The next moment she threw the rock at the terrakin hitting it right on its face. The terrakin woke up with a very loud shrill.

"Are you out of your mind?!!" Alya and Crissal both yelled in shock, but Nyx just shrugged then suddenly merged with the darkness and disappeared, leaving the two alone with the angry beast.

Crissal was even more shocked that she left her with Alya and the beast. Her eyes darted left, right and center trying to find Nyx but she was nowhere to be found.

"Where the heck did you go?!!" Crissal screamed from the top of her lungs, she had never been this angry in her whole life. She tried to yell again but Alya quickly covered her mouth.

"Shut up!!"

Crissal was about to bite her hand but quickly came to her senses when she heard the deafening scream coming from the beast. She stared at the beast's four dead eyes as if it were staring deep into her soul. Her lips quivered tremendously and she could hear her heartbeat banging from her eardrums. The beast screamed again revealing its blade-like teeth as it charged towards the girls as fast as it could. Before its beak could impale them, Alya held Crissal and jumped out of the way. Alya landed on the tallest tree branch she could find at the moment and placed Crissal there.

"Stay here."

Crissal nodded without saying a word and sat on the branch. As soon as she saw that Crissal was alright she got down and faced the monster.

Since she didn't have a weapon, she could only rely on her strength and flames. She figured her flames wouldn't help much due to the toughness of its scales so she had to rely on her strength and speed.

Without a second to spare the terrakin rushed in again and this time swiped at Alya with its wings but Alya swiftly dodged. This continued on a few times while Nyx was watching the exchange from a tree not far from where they were.

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