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"I want to leave this place."With her leg crossed over the other, she stared at the girls expressionlessly.

"Why?" Nyx was the first to ask.


"You want to go there?"

"I don't want to go there." Crissa quickly corrected. She stared down at her cake with a solemn face.

"I need to leave this place."

The girl's looked at each other confusedly, then turned back to the girl in front of them.

"Does your uncle know about what's going on?" Nyx asked.

She nodded.

"Sorry, I don't think we can help you." Alya said as she cut out a huge chunk of cake and stuffed it in her mouth.

With her response, Crissie's looked up, confused.

"Alya's right."

"Of course I am." Alya's tail wagged with pride.

"Would you reconsider if I pay you?" Crissie poked the cake with a fork repeatedly as she asked. She didn't seem to  care for cake.

"Since my uncle's a lord..... money is not a problem, can't refuse."

Just then the table was silent, Crissie had thought she has gotten through with them.

"So?" Alya retorted.

"So what?"

"Is your uncle the king?"

Crissie was stunned by her question.

"Well.... no, but....."


"No, but..."

"But what?"

Crissie was at a loss for words. But despite how flabbergasted she was, she still held on to her pride.

She kept the fork down then crossed her arms. She turned her face away with a stoic expression.

Nyx had been quiet, watching the two, but then she decided to say something.

"Even if we want to help you, we can't."

"It's none of our business, we don't want trouble.

Crissal could only sigh. She didn't want their first conversation to be like this. It wasn't her intention to force them. She has always been like this.

"Despite my appearance, I just clocked eighteen recently."

Alya raised her brows.

"Hmmm? Little one, you don't need to lie about your age. Either way I don't see how we can help you."

"I'm not lying about this."


Crissal felt Alya's sarcasm. She didn't expect them to believe. Her size was that of a twelve year old. She didn't have the strength to convince them, they still won't believe her.

Without noticing, she had pressed her lips to a thin line and her hands had balled into fists.

'It's always like this.....'

With a glance, Nyx caught crissie's hands tightened into fists.


"Crissalis Aael-Delion is it?" Nyx inquired, pointing her fork at the girl.

Her head jerked towards Nyx then she  nodded.


"I've heard about you from my father once."


"Alya I'm sure you know about our lifespan."

Alya nodded in response.

"Yeah, mythics have really long lifespans don't we?"

"Mmh! Because of that, mythics age really slow." Nyx added.

"But we mythics ageing slows down at eighteen yes?"

"Yes, but Crissie is an exception. It's a rare occurrence."

"I told you not to call me that."

"So she really is my age."

"Of course I am."

Alya shrugged and took another chunk of cake in her mouth.

"Hm wzh m shps tnm?(How was I supposed to know?)"

"How uncultured of you to talk with your mouth full of cake." Crissie sneered at the red head.

Alya ignored her comment and swallowed.

"You know you weren't as stuck up when you were hanging on the walls."

Crissie glared at Alya with her teeth bared, was she threatening her?

Nyx quickly said something to diffuse the situation.

"So Crissie, I suppose this is all about the ongoing edict they imposed at the start of this war."

Crissie shot her attention towards Nyx, her expression changed and gave an answer for the assumption


Alya was confused yet again.

"What edict?"

Nyx had realized that her and master still haven't told her about the events going on during the war. She cocked her head towards Alya's direction with a smile.

"When we get back I'll put you up to date on this war situation."

Crissie scoffed,

"Was she living under a rock these four years."

"Something like that...." Nyx didn't know what else to say, no one else should know about Alya's situation, it may stir up trouble. So far only her master and Greya know about it.

Meanwhile Alya was glaring at the two."

"What edict?"

"Since humans have greater technological advances and innovations, than all other races...well excluding the dwarves, the only thing Beastkin have as an advantage over humans is...."

"Mythics." Alya finished the sentence, which Nyx nodded in confirmation.

Crissie continued on from where they stopped.

"Since the mythic tier control the elements, the king has decided to use us as the kingdom's weapons. Once one reaches eighteen, they are sent to Caelion for training."

"You said you were there once, why aren't you there now?" Alya turned to Nyx for answers.


"Was it because you were terrible?"

"I was one of the best at Caelion, there's other reasons."

Nyx didn't answer anymore of Alya's question and continued on with Crissie.

"So you're a mythic class."

"Tier." Crissie corrected.

"What's the difference?" Alya stopped her questions for Nyx and joined in the conversation.

"People often mistake those two, really primitive."

"What's with the insult?" Alya glared at the white haired.

"People like us are mythic tier, while our element signifies our class, for example, I'm a water class mythic."

"Nyx, shadow class mythic, and Alya, fire class mythic." Nyx introduced both of them.

"What's with the introduction? We're never gonna see her again." Alya intervened.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now