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As soon as Alya was done eating, her training continued. Alya and teacher were standing a few meters away from each other, while Sylith stood by the side while lazily watching the two.

Alya was super enthusiastic about learning magic.

"So....when do I start learning magic?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Magic will be taught much later, right after training your body."

"Body training?" Her obvious enthusiasm suddenly faded with the sound of her voice. She got really excited for nothing. What she hated the most, after dirt and cockroaches, was exercise.

"Before you learn magic, you must have strong physical attributes. What's the point of learning magic if you don't know how to fight. Are you just going to stand there, blasting things with fire? In that case, your dead."

The old man had a point.

"You'll work on seven different attributes; Strength, speed, dexterity, intelligence, agility, vitality, and wisdom. Very essential, way more than magic."


"First is strength. Beastkin are naturally strong, so just needs some improvement."

Suddenly, the man sat down on the floor, in a lotus position once more. His arms were folded, and his expression, intense.

Alya was confused.

"If you manage to lift me up from here, I will consider you ready for the next part of training."

"...."(Is he serious)?

Alya was hesitant for a while, thinking that the man was just joking, but his expression seemed serious enough. Moments later her lips curved upwards.

'He really is...this will be easy then.'

Alya proudly came forward, then bent down to hold the man's waist to lift him up.


Unexpectedly, to Alya's surprise, the man wouldn't budge. Alya pulled harder, but not even his hand couldn't be lifted. It was like his body was one with the ground, like a large old tree with very deep roots holding to the core of the earth. She felt a strong wave of pressure on the the man, who still folded his arms while his eyes were still closed.

"What is this?"

Alya continued to pull, but there was still no result. The man was like a statue. Sweat trickled down her forehead and back. Even with her Mana, she couldn't move him.

After minutes of pulling, she gave up. She didn't bother anymore, there was no use. Her face was red, and her body was covered with sweat, like she just did hours of weight lifting. Her muscles were worn out, and her body strained, she was sure even the strongest person in her last world couldn't lift him.

'Are all the men his age this strong, or is it just him.'

The old man then opened his eyes, though there wasn't much difference. Alya was sure there was a grin behind his long white beard. She glared intensely at the old man As he chuckled.

"Seriously, is that all you can do? You're weaker than I thought."


"I will be your final challenge when you're done with training, so I expect you to work hard."

Alya shook off her gloominess and straightened herself. This was indeed motivation for her to be better. She still had a long way to go.

"Everyday, you will do the following routine; 50 laps around the clearing,...."

Before he could continue, Alya interrupted with a frown.

"How can I run 50 laps around this huge site?"

"You want it to be around the forest then?" His voice was calm, but deep down, Alya could feel the coldness in it.


"After that, you'll do 50 pushups, then 100 wall pushups, since there isn't a wall here, a tree is a good substitute..."

Teacher continued to give her more workouts, and Alya's eyes dulled by the second. The more he listed, the more hopeless she felt. She could barely do three pushups, but she had to do 50. The rest were even more strenuous than the last, she was sure she was going to die before learning magic.

"Since you'll be doing these activities, your food intake will be much more, and also very nutritious, and lots of water."

Alya's eyes lit up a little, at least there was good news.

"And as you get used to this routine, the work will increase as well."

Her little flame of happiness was put out.

"Let's begin shall we? 50 laps around the clearing."



Without a second to spare, she started to jog around the clearing. The site they were in was cleared up in a rectangular form, which was a little difficult for Alya to handle, with the corners.

The clearing was half a mile long, and a quarter mile wide, about three times bigger than a football field. She had a very long way to go.

Because of Alya's nonchalant attitude towards exercise in her last life, she could barely reach one lap, even her Mana couldn't help her now. She still had forty-nine laps to go, and it was still morning, so she was not going inside anytime soon.

Teacher was still sitting on the floor, watching Alya jog. Sylith came closer to teacher and lied down next to him.

Teacher frowned at what he was seeing, the girl didn't have any stamina at all, she was weak.

"She barely ran a lap, and she's already tired."

The cat looked up to meet teacher's eyes,then turned towards Alya's direction, he seemed to agree.

"This is worse than I thought. Sylith go inside and get some water, I'm thirsty."

The cat turned to teacher again, then disappeared without a trace. Seconds later, he came with a huge container in his mouth, probably filled with water. Teacher took it from his mouth, then opened the brown plastic container and chugged some of it down.

Seconds later, the cat disappeared again, then reappeared seconds later, with another container in it's mouth. He must've gotten it for Alya.


Sylith dropped the container next to teacher, then lied back down again.

Twenty minutes passed, and Alya was done with the second round and half way through the third lap. Teacher had forgotten to give her the bottle when she passed there, so he waited for her to finish the third round.

As soon as she was done with the third lap, the old man tossed the container to her, and luckily she caught it. The sound of swishing water filled her ears, and her face lit up instantly. Unfortunately she didn't take water since yesterday, so she was ecstatic.

Her face was as red as a tomato, and sweat dripped down her skin, eyes were also hazy due to how tired she was, but it didn't hinder her charms in the slightest. Even in a sweaty mess, she still looked like a goddess from a painting.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now