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Sounds of low and heavy pants echoed across a living room. A girl was kneeling at a corner. She had been a bit disoriented for a moment before she slowly regained consciousness.

Her surroundings were blurred for a while, she couldn't make out anything in front of her.

' I?'

Her vision was slowly becoming steady. She felt confused as to what was going on.

'What happened?'


All of a sudden a quick and sharp pain hit her with full force on her forehead. She quickly held her head with a pained grimace visible on her face. She felt something on her face, a liquid cascading from her forehead.


Alarmed, she slowly slid her hands downwards from her forehead, down to her mouth.

She slowly and shakingly lowered her hands. As soon as she did, her breathing ceased as she gazed at something horrid stained on her palms.


Her blood.

The red liquid stained her small hands, then slowly dripped down from her fingertips to the floor.

Her pupils dilated and her hands couldn't stop shaking at the sight. She stared, terrified at the scene of the dripping blood from the tips of her short fingers.

Yet another frightful detail she had noticed.

Her long slender fingers were now short and stubby, like a child's. The moment she noticed this, her heart thumped loudly. Her eyes followed the dripping blood to find a large shard of a broken mirror, among so many shards. She spotted her reflection on the mirror shard and froze.


She couldn't look away. She really wanted to, but she couldn't. She could never forget that face, a face she once had many years ago.

Her blood stained face held large brown eyes, partly covered by rough brown hair.

It was the face of a little girl, not much older than five. Her body was thinner than the girls her age, and her cheeks were a bit sunken, both due to the small amount of food she ate. Her blood stained clothes were merely old hand me downs from other children.

Since birth, she had been in this state and it had always ignited her fury. Not for being poor and wretched, but for the person who made her like this.

Her intense gaze slowly moved up to find a pair of heels, few meters away from where she was. Despite the intense rage she felt, it could not hold a candle to the fear gnawing away at her chest. Her gaze stayed at the person's feet and nothing else.

Her breath ceased once again the moment she heard her voice. A voice she hated so much yet feared at the same time.

"Useless child!"

Alya immediately remembered this day. The day she was severely injured because of this woman's temper. Young Alya had accidentally broken one of the very few dishes they had, which caused the lady's anger to ignite. She remembered the injury the woman had inflicted on her right ear by pinching it with much force as she yelled and cursed at her, before flinging her across the room. Little Alya's body collided with a mirror, which shattered it. The injury on her forehead was the cause of a broken mirror shard that had pierced it, as well as her arms and legs. She could barely move her body due to the immense pain she felt.

Next to the woman's feet was the plate Alya had accidentally broken.

Though Alya couldn't see the woman's face, she knew the exact expression she had. The same expression she always had when she looks at her, at any time of day, whether she did good or bad, or did nothing at all. Those eyes always held deep hatred for the little girl in front of her.

Unlike Alya's ragged clothes, the red sleeveless body con dress the lady had on was new and obviously expensive, they could never afford to buy it. The dress was definitely one of the many gifts given to her by the rich man she was currently with. Despite having a child, she was still in her early twenties. She was young and very attractive, getting a rich man to fall all over her was almost easy.

"How careless could you possibly be? Do you know how expensive that dish was?"

Alya couldn't stop trembling on the same spot she had been. She could barely mutter her own words.

"I...I'm sorry mother. It was an accident, I didn't mean to."

Her voice was barely a whisper. Alya internally cringed at the sound she made, she never thought she would speak like this again. Despite the pain she felt, both internally and externally, she didn't let a tear spill out. She had learned not to cry in front of her, knowing doing so would anger her more, and she wouldn't dare do so, she would surely get hurt again.

The woman glowered at her daughter who knelt on shards of broken glass, with no hint of remorse or pity in her eyes. Moments later she gave a long sigh and massaged her temples in frustration. She had just gotten back from a date to hear a smash from the kitchen and she rushed in to find Alya's small frozen figure and a broken ceramic laying on the floor. The child's hands trembled at the sight of the broken dish and her pupils had dilated on seeing her mother's face.

In her eyes, the daughter she had was utterly useless. She regretted having her.

"Quickly clean this up, then clean yourself up. I don't have the energy to discipline you today."

The woman strutted out of the kitchen and into her room, leaving a heavily injured Alya and a floor covered in broken glass. Alya sighed in relief then struggled to get up carefully without stepping on the glass. She couldn't clean the place up with her condition, so she slowly but carefully dragged herself towards a small cabinet. She opened it and took the first aid kit inside and plopped it on a chair because she couldn't reach the table.

She pushed herself away from the table and dragged herself towards the sink. The place was too high for her five year old self to reach so she took a stool at a corner and climbed it with her injured leg.

Quickly she took a cloth and soaked it in water the dragged herself towards the table again.


Little Alya groaned as she struggled to get on the chair without worsening her injuries, then grabbed the first aid kit and opened it.

One couldn't count how many times she had made use of this thing. She could consider it a toy she played with almost every day.

She used the wet cloth to clean the minor wounds on her arms and legs, then gently pressed the cloth on her forehead to stop the bleeding. The pain she felt was agonizing.

"Why is she here? Why am I here?"

Her head spun as she thought of what had happened. Moments ago she was in Viris battling giant lizards, now she's back here in this nightmare of a home. She shuddered at the thought of being here again. She had wanted to forget this old life, but now she was in it for the second time. She hated this place, she couldn't bear to see her mother's face again.

Alya was sure she wasn't dreaming, she was in a lot of pain right now, but she was sure her life in Nyth wasn't a dream as well. She thought of numerous ways she could've been brought here, but none of them made any sense.

Her head was starting to hurt from over thinking.

She had to get out of this place, she needed to. Her body trembled more than ever and her thoughts and emotions went in overdrive.

'I need to get out of here.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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