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The next morning.....

"Are you ready? I hope you found something."

Alya didn't respond and got to her position.

"Okay then, let's begin."

In less than a second, the old man was already on the offense and started with a punch to the stomach, but Alya quickly deflected it, pushing his fist to the side and quickly dodged the foot coming towards her chest by a thin hair.

'A distraction huh?'

This was getting serious, her adrenaline was on the high. She was lucky to dodge that kick, which was not just a kick, it would've been dangerous if hit.


Just then, he jumped off and tried to kick her leg at the moment she dodged the last kick to tip off her balance but luckily she understood the situation and pulled herself away, landing safely away from him. She had expected this, taking advantage of her situation to kick her off balance.

"You're getting more attentive, good. Always be on guard during a fight, any situation is possible."

As he said that, he landed safely on the ground at his former position then ran at top speed towards Alya. As Alya expected he aimed for her feet but she swiftly and gracefully manouvered, which wasn't easy, he was very swift and kept attacking as he tried to keep her off balance and distract her from what's to come.

Just as she was about to block the last attack, he got behind her swiftly to kick her from behind but was caught by Alya. She quickly used the opportunity to twist and push him away with great force, but he quickly got himself and landed safely.

'She improved just overnight...'

They continued on for hours without stopping. The old man decided to change things a bit and the fight got more intense. Alya was starting to loose ground but she still held on. With every change the teacher made, Alya learned to counteract. This went on to the point that Alya started going on offense and exchanged blows with the old man, which was way harder than she thought. The man was so small, not to forget fast, but that didn't mean she was giving up.

Both were so into the fight that no one noticed the cat girl watching them on the tree top.

"She's improved a lot. That's my little sis for ya, so determined."

Less than an hour later, they ended with no real winner, both sides were unwilling to yield and both were exhausted.

"In a short time, you managed to block and make counterattacks, learning my moves and finding a very short opening to attack. You've done well."

A smile was plastered on Alya's face. She couldn't help but be proud of herself and all her hard work.


'I knew it.'

"Be careful, there are people much stronger than me. For you, I'm the first level. As you grow strong, others will grow stronger. Always remember that."

'Just like a grandpa, always telling life lessons.'

"I won't forget that teacher."

Just then, a clapping sound was heard from the top of the trees.

"Congrats sis, you're almost on par with me and teacher."

The cat girl got closer as her tail swayed back and forth.



"How long have you been there?"

"As long as I could stay and watch. What's next?"

"Her next course of training is fire mastery. It's time for her to learn her ability."

Alya was waiting for this day. Her dull eyes brightened in a split second.

"I'm ready, let's start....."

"Tomorrow." The old man finished before she could.


"Why tomorrow? We can start right now." Alya begged but he didn't listen.

"You need to eat and rest to replenish your energy. And more importantly, to replenish my energy, it's not all about you. Go inside." Teacher grumbled.

"It pains me to admit it, but he's right." Nyx second it.

'I'm always right.'

Alya could only nod dejectedly.


"Great! Nyx bellowed. " I made dinner for you guys, both of you must be starving, not eating the whole day. It's bad for you."

'I forgot I haven't eaten all day. I've been ignoring my tummy's grumbling. I need meat.'

"Hurry let's go!" Alya was already halfway down the hall. She couldn't believe she forgot about food.

'I'm so sorry!'


After dinner, Nyx decided to stay the night and insisted on having a sleepover with Alya, who reluctantly agreed. The old man and Sylith were already asleep while the girls talked till midnight, well Nyx did most of the talking.

"You're almost done with training sis." Nyx's face brightened. "What's left is fire mastery and weapon mastery, then we'll be good to go."


"You're getting too comfortable with calling me that...and what do you mean by we?"

"I think it's best to leave this village after you're done with training." Nyx answered.

Alya hadn't thought much about her life after training, and didn't think of a reason why she should leave immediately. Maybe she could stay for about a year before moving.

"Why? Isn't this your home? Are you leaving with me? because of me?"

She didn't know why but she was touched somehow.

"Not fully because of you."


"This place isn't really my home, I'm just passing by."

"So you're a traveller."

"...Something like that....."

'Huh, I thought she lived here her whole life since she knows the people here so well. So she's the adventurous type. I wonder where she really lives.'

"It's past midnight, we should sleep."

Alya agreed, tomorrow is a big day.

The red head snuggled in her blanket as she rested her head on the pillow to sleep. Nyx was about to do the same thing but was kicked out of bed and landed harshly on the cold floor.

"What was that for?" Her brows furrowed.

"Sleep in your own bed." Alya answered with hostility.


"Let's begin shall we?"

"Yes sir."

"Conjure a flame."

Alya did as she was told and concentrated some of her mana to form a small flame on her palm. This achievement was because of Nyx who had been teaching her a few things during training.

"The flame is rather small don't you think?" The old man stared at the flame in her palm.

"Make it bigger."

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now