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Alya grabbed a branch next to her feet and flung it towards Nyx but she swiftly and easily caught it before it could poke her eye. Nyx made a small smirk at Alya’s attempt to harm her, which infuriated her. That throw was no ordinary throw, the force she used to throw it could easily drive a clean hole through a tree’s bark. Alya scoffed, ignoring her and extended her arm, still waiting for the meat.

“Where is it?” she asked impatiently.

Nyx then remembered the meat she was supposed to bring out. She gestured for Alya to wait for a moment then pulled out a huge chunk of the meat they secured hours ago. The size of the meat she pulled out was enough to feed at least ten grown men, that amount of food for lunch was normal to them.

The meat still had some of the beast’s blood so they needed to clean it up before preparing it. Unfortunately for them they wouldn’t be able to reach the river before the day’s end so they had to depend on one person for now.

“Hey princess!”

Alya yelled loud enough for Crissal to wake up from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes as she groggily got up with a frown and glared at the girl who interrupted her sweet slumber.

“What?” she low key growled as she responded. She didn’t have to yell to wake her up, also the fact that there were beasts wondering about.

“Would you mind getting us some water from the trees?” Nyx decided to ask before Alya could.

“Shouldn’t there be a river here in Viris?”

“There is, but unless you want to use the rest of the day searching for the said river and can wait till tomorrow to eat meat, feasting on just berries and nuts, I advise you help to do so. Thanks.

Alya answered her question then walked up to a random tree almost two hundred feet tall.

“How about this one? Seems…..... succulent.

Suddenly her nails swiftly elongated and was sharper than a newly sharpened blade, something she learned from Nyx about two years ago. Alya then positioned her hand like a knife and with a swift swipe her strong and sharp nails cut down the tree, leaving only the stump connected to the ground. The tall shoot of the tree slowly fell to the ground with a loud and heavy thud, luckily the tree fell in between two other trees, preventing some kind of falling chain reaction between them.

Alya decided to use the stump as a table to prepare the meat, she was definitely excited to make something out of some kind of chicken in this world, it may probably taste like chicken, hopefully.

Alya refused to touch the blood-soaked meat and made Nyx carry it to the makeshift table she made. She then turned to Crissal with a go sign.

“Ready when you are.”

Crissal sighed and did what she needed to do so she could eat. She got to the fallen tree trunk and shallowly dug her nails into its thick bark but unlike before, the water didn’t gush out all at once. Instead she drained a certain amount of water from the tree, which formed a big blob floating in the air, because of Crissal’s control.

“Nice…..bring it over.” Alya beckoned.

Crissal brought it over.

“Now then…. Is there a way you could make the blob slowly gush out like a tap?”

Crissal didn’t answer Alya’s question and just did what she had to do. Right away a forceful spurt of water gushed out of the side of the large blob like a big dam leak, all over the table, soaking everything, including Alya.

The soaked red head froze at her predicament. She went silent as she turned to Crissalis, who’s face was still as deadpan as always.

“It wasn’t on purpose.” She said only that to her. If she turned maybe a second earlier, Alya would have seen her shocked, apologetic face. And if she could read minds, she would hear her voice apologizing repetitively.

‘So sorry so sorry so sorry so sorry so sorry so sorry…….’

In the background Nyx’s stifled laughter could be heard meters away. Alya’s head jerked towards the girl covering her mouth as to not let anyone hear her laugh, but Alya could clearly hear it and the more she did, the angrier she got.

“Hmhmhm……you are worse than a cat when it comes to…….hehehe…. water.....hehehe!”

It took Alya all her mental restraints to not throw a ball of fire at her and melting her face.

“Why don’t you prepare lunch then since I need some time to get my clothes dry.”

Nyx stopped laughing as soon as Alya said that and coughed awkwardly.

“My arms had stopped working a moment ago…”

“Your tongue is next if you don’t watch it………sister.”

Nyx laughed awkwardly and quickly conjured up a small shadow dome under the canopy of a tree. Alya shook her soaked body, trying to remove the least bit of water she could, then entered the shadow dome Nyx had created so she could dry up and change into new dry clothes.

Before Nyx could relax, Alya popped her head out of the dome, startling the two outside.

“Nyx, wash the blood off the meat with the kid at least. Do so before I’m done.”

Crissal was about to retort but Alya quickly got inside once again, leaving one girl angry and the other one awkward.


About twenty minutes later Alya got out of the dome dry and radiant. She wore a new set of clothes, about the same style she usually wears. Drying her long red hair and tying it up in a ponytail took most of the time she was in there. Since she had reincarnated she took her time looking at the mirror comparing her current self to her former self on earth, the difference was like water and fire.

She walked up to the girls standing by the makeshift table. Nyx had washed the blood off the meat so it was ready to be cooked.

Alya took out a knife from her pouch and swiftly cut through the meat, which was just like chicken. She divided the meat equally into three parts, one for each of them and seasoned them with some of the spices she brought. Crissal sat on the fallen tree waiting for lunch while Nyx stayed close to Alya, watching every single thing she did which annoyed her. She kept on asking questions about her past and how it was like but Alya didn’t answer any of them, she just stayed quiet trying not to let the knife in her hand slip from her grip and enter Nyx’s eye. She wasn’t eager to talk about her past, maybe she would, but definitely not now.

Alya quickly pierced the huge pieces of ‘chicken’ with large sticks and hung it over the open fire. Soon enough lunch was ready.

As they quietly ate their ‘chicken’, Nyx remembered something.

“Oh……Alya I almost forgot.”

“Frgut wut? (forgot what?).” Alya asked with meat stuffed in her face.

“Couldn’t you try to swallow before you respond?” Crissalis intervened with the same poker face, but it was obvious she was quite irritated.

“Uz nut yr meat kd(it's not your meat kid)” she replied still with a stuffed mouth. Crissal was clearly irritated.

“Nyx took out a red pill shaped item from her pouch and tossed it at Alya. Alya caught it with her free hand and stared intently at it. It was almost the size of her palm and it looked like some large pill. Alya pondered on what it was till it suddenly hit her, she soon recognized what it was.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now