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Five seconds later......

"T__T"(Is he gonna eat me?)

In a large dense forest, on a cleared site, a giant silvery cat-beast was lying on a small fox-girl figure who was about to cry for help.

'I don't wanna die!'


By command, the giant creature got up, leaving the red head face flat on the floor.

"That was just a warm up. I expect you to run this time." The old man said.

Alya got up with her hair disheveled and her clothes ruffled. Her face was still pinned with shock and fear. She struggled to stand up straight.


"Sylith's true form, I've told you before."


'Is he....glaring at me?'

"Sylith here will be chasing you, the trick is to not get caught, that will also lead to your agility training, but we'll start with a straight path. Sylith is extraordinarily fast, but he'll start slowly first, then you'll build up to it."

Alya stayed silent the whole time, she didn't know what to say.

"Before we start, we need to know how fast we can run, so I'll time you."

Suddenly, the same watch he used during Alya's first ever training appeared in the old man's hand.

"Let's test your speed. Run towards that tree way over there."

"Yes sir. (Anything to get away from Sylith)."


"T . T"



The tree was about a mile from where they were, and it would take the average person ten minutes to run a mile, and an elite can take just four minutes to run one. But Alya was in between. She took about seven minutes to reach the tree, mostly because of her endurance training she has been doing. If it was way before, it would take longer.

In another seven minutes, she ran back to her original spot, though it could be a bit impressive on Earth, the old man didn't seem impressed.

"You're too slow."

"•__•"(Saw that coming.)

"It was way worse the last time I ran, which was back on Earth. This is a huge improvement."

"Maybe so, but that doesn't change the fact that you're still not at your peak. It should've taken you at most two minutes to reach that tree."


"Okay then, let's now see how fast you'll run with Sylith chasing you. He'll slow down a bit for you."


"Sylith, are you ready?"


"Start run..."

Before he could finish, Alya was already half a mile away.


...........A minute later......

"Faster than I expected."

"T --- T"(Get him off me!)

Alya was yet again on the ground, with Sylith on top of her.

"Let's increase the length of the path shall we? Five miles is alright for now. Let's try it again since the length was too short. Sylith will still be at the normal pace."

.......Five minutes later........

'I still can't get used to this.'

Alya was on the pinned to the ground again.

"You're speed is improving at a fast rate. Sylith will increase his speed."



It didn't take long for Alya to finish the second part of her training, which was just two weeks long. We speed had improved significantly, only taking Alya four minutes to reach five miles.

"Next is agility."


"Try to get through the obstacles."

With a tap of his cane on the ground, the ground shook for some time. Suddenly some parts of the ground broke, and big wooden structures broke out. Each structure had three rotating arms, they were the size of the average human, and they were all closely packed together.

Alya was awestruck, she loved new things.

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"Try not to get hit by any of them."


The moment she stepped on the platform, trouble began.









This was the fifth time Alya had been thrown out of the platform, because every second, each arm would hit her. She had tried five times but each time she dodges one arm, another one would fling her away. Each hit was more painful than the last, and was even more frustrating.

Unconsciously, the feeling felt so familiar, as if it had happened before, long ago. She had kept that memory at the back of her mind for a long time. The pain she felt many times before, the marks she was inflicted with, the sound of wood on soft skin, and the blood that trickled down after.

She thought she had completely forgotten about it, and she wanted to, but she was wrong. It still lingered. Every moment she got hit, her entire body tensed up, and her fingers shook vigorously. Her brows creased as sweat trickled down her forehead.

Her body temperature had gotten higher all of a sudden, and the sweat on her forehead evaporated into thin air. Not only was her temperature increasing, the atmosphere got hotter as well.

(If only I wasn't so unfortunate to have you.....!)

The moment she got hit the thirteenth time, her body ticked, and before she knew it, red hot flames burst out from her body.


In a fit of rage, she punched one of the structures with so much force, it shattered to splinters. And not just one but all of them got burnt to a crisp in a matter of seconds.

Teacher saw everything, and was not at all angry or scared, but curious. Such burst of energy was indeed very powerful. He knew her emotions got out of hand, but something felt wrong.

The only thing left were ashes piled on the ground and the smoke that arose from it.

"Try to control it. It would be bad if you accidentally burn innocent people out of rage."

Alya hadn't noticed the mess around her till he spoke. She looked around in a daze as she answered quietly.

"Yes teacher, sorry."

With the hit of his cane on the ground, the piles of ashes disappeared and new wooden structures appeared from the ground again.

"Be patient and gentle like a leaf in the wind. Don't force your way through."

"I'll try again sir."

"Don't try, do."

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now