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Nyx ignored Alya and continued on with their conversation.


"If you indeed escape, where will you go?"

Crissalis stayed silent for a while, she only thought about leaving Nyth.

"Anywhere will do. Perhaps Aqnid."

"Nice, Alya and I will go there after visiting Crolis." Nyx was done with her cake, but Alya ordered more for herself.

"Why?" Alya asked.

"Work on getting your second tail."

Nyx pondered for a while and came to a conclusion.

"You can come with us."

Crissal's eyes lit up at her answer but she quickly covered up her excitement with a straight face.

"My uncle will reward you well."

"No need for money....I like you..... you're so cute."

Alya swiftly turned to Nyx, shocked at what she just said.

"Seems the cake has been laced with something."


Before Nyx could say anything else, she turned to Crissalis.

"We'll take the money. We're short on cash currently."

Crissal nodded then slowly got up from her seat and lightly dusted her blue dress.

"Well... let's go." She placed some money on the table then quickly made for the door.

"Okay then....." Nyx stood up, held Alya's tail and dragged her outside.


Crissal led the two to a spatial portal that teleported them to the gates of a huge manor right by the end of the city. Beyond the guarded gates was a big marble fountain in the midst of a huge frontal garden filled with trees, bushes, fruits and flowers very different from the ones on earth. A stone path was made round the fountain leading to the huge brown doors of the huge white manor the size of a five star hotel. They walked up to the two tall guards by the gates who's eyes had been fixed on Nyx and Alya the moment they appeared.

"Who are you?" one of the guards questioned.

"It's none of your business, open the gates."

The guards faced Crissalis, who was just above Alya's waist. She stood in between Nyx and Alya with a deep frown on her face.

"But miss..."

"Are you rebelling?" Crissal glared at the two.

"No miss."The guards quickly shut up.

"We're sorry miss...." They bowed in unison.

"Don't waste my time.....just do what you're told."

The guards quickly raised their heads in panic and opened the gates. One could feel how tense they were in front of Crissalis. They bowed their heads once more as the three passed the gates.

Though they were already meters away from the gate, Alya's could pick up the sound of someone's whisper by the gate.

"What a brat...."



Once they got passed the gates, Alya's jaw dropped in awe as her gaze fell on the huge manor before her. Her eyes were fixed on every detail of the manor. Being three stories high, it blocked the sun's rays casting a shadow on the frontyard. Columns were attached to every gold railing in every balcony, and the walls, adorned with large glass windows too many to count, as well as the dormer windows and ridge turrets on the mansard roof. The large portico was supported by two large white columns and carved with eccentric designs with an arched window just above it. Every window was surrounded by stone carvings and flower beds on the balconies, the huge front porch and the base of the manor. She was shocked to believe that was just a lord's place, she couldn't even imagine what the palace would look like.

Right before the manor was a huge marble fountain with beautiful carvings. Strong streams of water floweed from the fountain and into it's basin. Covering the base of the fountain were colourful bushes with their enchanting flowers.

Her face froze as she stared at the mansion. Nyx had to hit her head so she could snap out of it but instead her gaze got fixed on the frontal garden filled with fruits and flowers. It was just as beautiful as the manor itself.

They were on the brick path dividing the garden so she could see the colourful trees and bushes on both sides. The garden was filled with butterflies of different sizes and colours, leaving sprarkle trails as they flutter around the flowers. She could only wonder how the garden would look like at night.

She noticed some bushes filled with different berries of different sizes and colours.

"Are the berries edible?" She asked as she pointed at one of the bushes.

"Both medicine and poison could be made from them so I wouldn't pick anyone if I were you." Crissal turned to Alya, who was already trying to pick some berries from a pink bush. Alya stopped her hand mid way as soon as she heard poison.

"As magnificent as the manor is, don't be tempted to touch anything, you can't afford to break something here."

With pride in her steps, Crissalis walks towards the mansion. Nyx dragged Alya yet again by the tail and followed suit.

Moments later they climbed some steps leading to the large double doors of the manor. At the door was Dun, the middle aged man who was with lord Kaet the day they came to the city.

"You're back miss."

"Yes I am." Crissalis answered calmly.

Crissal's change in tone wasn't overlooked by Alya. Though there was still a hint of hostility, it wasn't as bad as before.

"May I ask who these two young ladies are?" Dun's eyes swept over Nyx and Alya.

"Acquaintances of yours?" He asked with his brow raised.

"Hardly..... I just hired them."

Crissalis didn't bother to introduce them.

"Oh...well then...." Dun once again took a quick glance at the two, then nodded.

"Is my uncle inside?"

"Yes miss. He is worried sick and has been waiting for you." Dun's face turned worry some as he stared at the miss. He was also worried and had been waiting for her by the door since she disappeared.

"Your constant worrying is annoying."

The moment she realized what she said, Crissalis internally cursed herself as soon as she said that.

Before Dun could say anything, Crissalis got inside the manor.

"Well I'm here.....there's nothing to worry about."

Crissal turned to the two still outside.

"I expect you to follow me."

The girls turned to Dun, who just nodded then led them inside.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now