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                     William's pov


Walking away from the new girl, Y/N, I walk into the main area to see Michael, my son, playing arcade games and getting furious. I look toward the way to Henry's office, and then back at him, deciding to see what's wrong.

"What's wrong, bud?" I asked, squatting down to his level.

"This- This bloody game keeps making me die!" He responded dramatically, pouting.

"That's alright, yeah? Why don't you play a new game? Or maybe even sit down for a bit, you seem very frustrated."

"But I wanna play this game! I don't wanna sit out!"

"Michael, please. Henry's expecting me, so you need to make a choice here, yeah?"

Michael groaned loudly. "Fiiiiine. I'll take a break."

"Atta boy," I ruffled his hair and walked away, knocking at Henry's door.

"It's open," The voice said. I walked into the room and leaned against the wall closest to him.

"Will." He greeted me sternly.

"Henry." I matched his tone, rolling my eyes.

"Did you not give Y/N her tasks to do on Tuesday?"

"No? I was never given anything, and besides, I was in my office all day getting calls from Clara."

Henry sighed. "You should really take more responsibility into your job, William."

"I shouldn't do jackshit, Emily."

"Will, c'mon, you know I hate it when you call me by my last name."

"Mm, and I care how?"

"William. Just- Just go. Go back to doing whatever you were doing. I need to print out Y/N's tasks."

"Alright, fine by me then." I reply, waiting for an answer.

"Go away, Afton. Did I not make myself clear? Do you need me to physically shove you out of my office or something? Or do you want me to beg you to stay?"

I chuckled slightly. "Goodbye, Henry."


I walk out and shut the door, only to go back to the main area to check on Michael.

"..She's annoying. All she does is crawl around father and bawl her bloody eyes out. And guess what father does?" Michael spoke to somebody. I turn the corner and see Y/N.

What is she doing talking to my son? Weirdo. I thought to myself, shrugging it off and just listening into their conversation.

"What does he do?" Y/N responded back, her words filled curiosity.

"He only pays attention to her! Sometimes I wish she wasn't here. Now I only get ignored!"

Hm. I didn't expect that. I thought. Is he really jealous of his sister right now? God, Michael, she's a baby! I sighed and thought of walking over to them, but went against it, listening more.

"Well," Y/N started. "Maybe you can talk to him about it."

Talk to me about it? What is he? 6? Oh wait..

"I.. I guess. Whatever. I don't care anyway. He can ignore me for the rest of my life! I don't care!" Michael almost yelled, his eyes were getting visibly red. He just wiped his eyes and walked away toward the bathroom. I decided to walk over and talk to Y/N.

"Y/N! Hi!" I greeted, watching her turn to me.

"Oh, hi, Mr. Afton!" She responded, smiling softly.

"What uh, was going on here?"

"Oh, I was asking Mike what his sister is like, in case I ever meet her, you know?"

"Ah, makes sense. I guess siblings can be.. Jealous of one another, hm?"

"Yeah, I guess. I think he's jealous that he's not getting enough attention from their father,"

Is she serious right now? Isn't it bloody obvious I'm his father? I thought.

"I suppose. Oh, and Henry will probably need you soon. He's printing off your tasks," I inform her.

"Alright. See you later?"

"Of course. Behave yourself."

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now