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"Y/N! I am so mad at you!" Michael approached me with a frown.

"Hang on.. What did I do?" I ask, picking the boy up.

"You!" He shoved his pointer finger into my chest. "You went on a date last night. With my father."

"How did you know that?"

"My mommy." He takes away his finger and crosses his arms. "Well, she doesn't know I know.."

"So how did you find out?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"I heard her on the phone with my aunt. She wasn't too happy. Can we play a game now?"

"Yeah, sure. What game?"

"I dunno, but I need tokens!"

"Alright, I'll get some for you,"

"Yay! Thank you, future mommy!"

I go bright red and put him down on his feet.

"Michael, I'm not going to be your mom."

"What? Yeah you will. In a few minutes!"

"Minutes!? Oh, Mike- That's.. A bit too soon, don't you think?"

"No? That's very very very very far away!"

"Yeah, alright. Go find a game to play, I'll be over soon,"


And with that, he ran toward the arcade machines, gazing around. I turn my head to the glass doors behind me, hearing the bell go off that indicates someone has walked in.

"Hello," William starts. "What are you up to?"

"I need tokens."

"For what?"

"My child."

"Your child? Since when- Oh. Michael,"


"Okay, well, go get tokens?"

"I will."

"So what are you waiting for?"


"What? I'm not made out of money, you know."

"Right, like you don't own a very successful business."

William rolls his eyes and chuckles, extending his hand to me. I take it and smile as he leads me to the prize counter, giving me a cup of tokens.

"Thank you!" I smile wide and hear a chuckle from William.

"Any time, love. Now, go find Michael before he gets upset and thinks you've abandoned him."

"Yeah, well, he can wait a few minutes, right?"

"For what?"

"Because we have a little problem,"

William immediately raises an eyebrow and looks at me seriously.

"What do you mean, a problem?"

"Mike overheard Clara on the phone talking about our date, and now Michael wants me to be his mother."

"Well then. That was some interesting information."


He inhales, probably thinking what to say.

"Clara can adjust to it. If she doesn't approve, why should we care?"

"Okay, what about the Michael situation?"

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now