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williams pov
smut warning ;)

The past few weeks have been nothing but sex, work, sex, and more sex.

Clara and the kids went to Europe for a month long vacation, and that gave me and Y/N the opportunity to... explore each other more.

We had just got done from doing it and we were both lying breathless on our bed. Y/N had officially moved in with me, and I was nothing but ecstatic.

We've been dating for almost 6 months and everyday, I feel like I'm falling more in love with this woman.

She's my everything.

If you would have told me a year ago that right now I'd be obsessing over my worker, I'd have laughed in your face and said, "William Afton doesn't fall in love."

Yes, I was married before her, but I wouldn't say I was in love. Sure, I admired Clara, but only for her looks. We didn't really have a connection other than in the bedroom, but now that we're over, it doesn't really matter.

But with Y/N, however, I get a whole different feeling. When I look at her, I get this intense feeling in my stomach. I guess to most people, you refer to that as "butterflies in your stomach" but I'd be caught dead before saying that.

Y/N was the last thought of mine before I fell asleep. I worry more about her than I do myself. I sometimes catch myself staring at her and sometimes she catches me too, laughs, and comments on how red my face is. But I think she's lying when she says that.

"Will?" Y/N's soft voice snaps me out of my trance.

"Yes, love?" I respond to her, holding her.

"We should go on a date. It's been a while," A smile touches my face, and suddenly that feeling in my stomach comes back.


I feel like a teenage girl who's obsessed with some stupid celebrity.

"William?" I realize I haven't answered her.

"Sorry, love. I was thinking about something. But yes, I'd love to go on another date with you. When?" She smiles, and I swear my body is melting with how hot I suddenly feel.

"Hmm," She pauses, "how about tomorrow? No work for either of us, right?"

"That's right. I'll pick you up at 7?" I laugh softly and she hits me.


It's tomorrow.

I made dinner reservations at the best restaurant in town. Not to mention, the most expensive.

I'm wearing a nice, all black suit with black leather gloves.

I'm waiting downstairs for Y/N, but she's taking way too long for my liking. I hated being away from her and she knew it.

So now I'm opening the bedroom door, seeing my beautiful girlfriend in a beautiful lavender dress, and she's done her makeup perfectly.

Astonished. Breathless. Stunned.

If you asked me to describe myself in that moment with three words, those are the words I'd choose.

She was so breathtakingly beautiful, and I couldn't help but stare, admiring every inch of her body from head to toe.

"Woah, Afton, at least wait until after dinner to even think about sex," She laughs and walks over to me, sliding her hands up my chest.

"I- Woah. I just- Wow, love. You," I pause, feeling my face get redder, "just look... Fucking gorgeous. Stunning. More than words can describe. Holy shit."

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now