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guys comment on my story it's so quiet😭 literally say anything🙏

It had been a few months, me and Will's relationship had been accidentally discovered by Henry.

"Hey, Will, I had a few- Oh- Oh my gosh." Henry walked in on my lips against Williams and he was startled. His mouth dropped and his eyes widened. Me and William snapped our necks toward him, our eyes widened as well.

William had cleared his throat. "Well. Time to come clean, then. We're together,"

"Y/N! We gossip together and you didn't think to tell me this!?" Henry put a hand on his heart dramatically, causing me to laugh. I pulled my arms away from William's neck and crossed them.

Well, now everyone knows. Michael was beyond happy.

"Michael, come here. Me and Y/N need to discuss something important with you." William called out, his voice laced with seriousness. Michael came down the stairs, looking at us in fear.

"Whatever you heard, it was NOT me!" He panicked, thinking he was in trouble.

"What? No, come sit." He gestured to the open seat next to him in the kitchen. Michael sat down and looked at us both, clearly scared.

"What did I do?" He asks, frowning.

"No, you're not in trouble, bud. Me and Y/N just need to tell you something important."


"Well, Y/N, would you like to say it?" William looked at me, smiling softly. I nodded and looked at the boy.

"Me and your father.." I start, and before I can say anything, Michael gasps.

"Are you pregnant!?"

"Michael! I'm not pregnant!"

"Oh. Okay, continue."

"Me and your father are together."

"Like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Yes, like boyfriend and girlfriend."

Michaels eyes lit up and he jumped from the chair, yelling and running around, happily.

"LIZZIE! WERE GONNA HAVE TWO MOMMIES!" Michael shouted as he ran into the living room, the baby in the playpen stared at him with a smile, yet she had no idea what he meant.

That brings us to now. I practically live with William, and the children are usually there on the weekdays. Well, when Michael isn't at school.

When Michael was at school and me and William were working, Elizabeth was obviously with her mother, but she was always back with us around 4:30.

Me and Elizabeth have a mother-daughter like bond, and I'm very happy about that. She calls me "mama" only because she can't say my name yet. I never knew how good I was with kids until the kids were basically mine.


"Y/N, love? I'm home," William called out, not sure where I am. I'm sitting in the living room with Elizabeth and Michael, coloring a sheet of paper. Michael was drawing foxes, while Elizabeth was drawing random shapes.

"I'm in the living room!" I respond, coloring my own paper with a flower on it.

William walks in and sees us, smiling as he squats down to my level, kissing my cheek gently. "Lovely flower," He comments, looking at Michaels drawing now. "Foxy?" He questions, Michael nods.

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now