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I walk a bit closer, yet stop in my tracks to observe.

"I know you're there, L/N." He says quietly., almost a mumble. Somehow I understood him even though I wasn't that close.

"Sorry.. Uh.. Where's Mike?" I ask, changing the subject.

William sighs.

Why is he sighing?

"With his mother." He says after some moments of silence. I can sense the sarcastic smile in his voice, almost as if he's hurt by something.

I stand there, not knowing whether or not to walk over.

"It's okay. I don't bite. I get that I can be intimidating at times, but L/N, you of all people? Considering your boldness, I would assume you hadn't ever been intimidated by me."

"Well-" I'm cutoff.

"It's okay. Come here?" He doesn't look back, but I'm certain he wants to. I walk over slowly and stand next to him as I gaze up at him, observing his face.

You could definitely tell he hasn't slept in a few days.

"Will, I-" He doesn't let me finish.

Why does he always do this?

"I know. You're going to tell me that I need more sleep. That it's unhealthy." He chuckles a bit, it's fake. "You know, my marriage is collapsing at a fast rate." His eyes never leave the window. He's looking into the distance of trees, they're very pretty if you're not from around here.

"Why?" I ask, not wanting to look away from him, almost as if I wanted to stare at him forever.

"That's personal information, L/N. I don't think I trust you with it just yet. But, let's just say there's.. a bit too much fighting for either of our likings. A couple other things play a factor in it."

I blink, and when I reopen my eyes, he's staring at me. My face goes pink as I look away.

"Don't look away from me. I.. am not as oblivious as I am described to be. I always know what's happening."

"So you-" He cuts me off. Again.

"Yes." He answers before I even ask. "You've been staring at me this entire time, your face has been pink for approximately 45 seconds, and I know what you and Henry were talking about."

"How do you do it? Keep track of these things."

"I have my secret, Y/N." He turns his head back toward the window. "You know, I've always wanted to open a diner with Henry. Neither of us expected to get as popular as we are, though. Parties nearly everyday, every kid here before 10 am, hell.. we should start expanding soon enough."

"How long have you known Henry?"

"Ah, since college. You know, we didn't always get along the way we do now. He's the polar opposite of me."

"I always thought it was weird that you two were friends even though you didn't act alike. Is the only thing you have in common with each other engineering?"

"You know, now that I think about it, you're probably right. Our only topic to talk about are the animatronics or the diner. Other than that, I don't know."

And me.

But did I say that? No.

"I probably know what you're thinking. I don't talk about you as much as you've been told. If you're brought up, then I certainly will talk about you."

"Mmh.. Why aren't you yelling for once?" I ask, finally looking away and at the distance. I feel his eyes burn onto my cheek and I can tell he's smiling.

"I'm just trying to get to know you more, that's all."

"Liar. What's really up?"

"Why would I lie to you?"

Silence filled the room for a few moments.

"I want to get to know you, Y/N. More than you know. I'm not an old, cranky, old grouch. At least I hope you don't think I am. Would you like to go out for coffee sometime? As.. colleagues, of course.."

"Yeah, I think I'd like that." I look at him, our eyes connecting with one another.

"Lovely. Would you like my number so we can talk about it not at work?"

"I think that would be best." I laugh a bit.

He smiles and pulls out a pen and paper, scribbling his number on it quickly, yet elegantly. I can tell he's writing more than just that, but I don't say anything.

Once he's done, he folds it and hands it to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah. 10 am. Will Mike be here?"

"I believe so, yes. Why?"

"Because I like him more than you." I smile and kiss his cheek. "See you tomorrow, British man."

I walk out of the building and get into my car, leaving the premises of the diner.


i'm gonna do williams pov 🥵

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now