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Williams POV

I had just gotten out of the Spring Bonnie suit, beads of sweat dripping down my face. I was in the middle of taking the torso off until I heard the soft creaking of the door behind me open.

Instinctively, I turned toward it, seeing the figure of the woman I've lately had my mind on.

"Afton?" She softly asks, shutting the door behind her. Lately she's been calling me by my last name, probably out of spite.

"Yes?" I tilt my head a bit, getting the rest of the torso off.

"What are you doing?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? You're supposed to be tending to the children out there, L/N."

"Sorry.. They're just getting on my nerves a bit.." She groans softly, just looking at me.

"Mm, I see," I take off the rest of the outfit, putting it up. She takes that time and sits on the table next to her, smiling a little. "Get that look off your face."

"What look?"

"The look where you make my mind crazy." I say quietly, so she doesn't hear.


"What?" I repeat, smirking slightly, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed.

"Wait, no, what did you say?"

"Guess we'll never know." I roll my eyes playfully at her.

"You know, you're pretty boring."

"Yeah? You didn't think so when we were on that date, huh?"

"Well- I-"

"Mm, exactly."

"No. Let me speak." I raise an eyebrow and signal for her to keep speaking. "That was before you started to be boring."

"Is it?"

"Very much so. Now I should leave.." She pushes herself off the table gently and I stand in front of her.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Mmhm. I have work to do."

"Just call it your break then?"

"No thanks."

"Guess you're missing out then."

"Yeah? From what?"

"From speaking to me, the most handsome man in bloody Utah."

"You know, every time you say some stupid British word, it reminds me that you are in fact, British."

"Well, no shit."

"Ah ah, language, Mr. Afton." She holds up her index finger to my mouth. "Children are around,"

"I didn't know you were a child."

"I'm not. This is a children designed place, so you gotta be child friendly."

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now