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I promise the next chapter will be a time skip sjhsjdh

thanks for 100 reads already :)



                     William's pov


I walk off toward the bathrooms and go into them, seeing Michael crying by the sink. He gazes over at me and sniffles.

"What's the matter, Mike?" I ask, walking closer.

"G-Go away." He demanded, wiping his tears.

"Answer my question,"

"Nothing's wrong! Just- Just go! I don't want you here! Go away! Leave me a-alone!"

"No, Michael. What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm fine! Nothing is wrong!"

"Obviously something is bugging you. You're crying as if someone died."

"I-I just... It's.."

"Yeah? Spit it out already. I'm trying to be decent here, Mike. Let me comfort you. I'm your father, and that's what fathers do, right?"

"I.. guess?"

"So tell me what's wrong."

"It's just- just.. I don't wanna say it.."

"And why not? It's because you're embarrassed, innt?"

Michael slowly nods and looks away.

"Ah. Well, would it make you feel better if we went to talk inside of my office?"


"Alright then. Here," I hold my hand out to him, which he takes hesitantly. We walk to my office, (which is conveniently placed across from Henry's) and sit next to each other on the couch in the corner.

"Ready to speak yet?" I ask him.

"Um.. Yeah.." He hesitantly responds, looking at his dangling feet.

"Go on then. I'm listening,"

"It's just.. Ever since Elizabeth came, you always give her attention. You never talk to me anymore.. It's just that.. That..."

"That you're jealous?"

"What? No!" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay.. fiiine. Maybe just a little bit! That's all!"

"Is it really?"


"Continue on, then."

"I'm all done. I don't wanna say any more."

"Alright then. If you change your mind, you can talk to me, alright?"

"I guess."

"Whatever you need. You're my son, and I love you."

"I.. love you too, father."

I watch as his face lights up at my words, which makes me smile.

"Hey, dad?" Mike asks suddenly.

"Yeah, bud?" I respond, looking at him.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for being so selfish. I shouldn't think that you'd give-" I cut him off.

"Michael, you are not selfish. You're still a kid. Of course you're going to be jealous. You have a little sister now, and I'm not angry that you feel this way. It's normal for those who are still young and are not getting the amount of attention they require."

"Still! I was being... I was being... Un-un.. Un..."


"Mhm! I'm sorry for making you not love me.."

"Michael.. I love you so much. It's just that Elizabeth is still a baby, so we have to give her slightly more attention. I'll try to make it up to you, I promise."


"If you want, I can get you some paper and crayons. Just so you can hang out here with me, how does that sound?"

Michael nods and I smile a bit. I walk over to Henry's office door and listen to his and Y/N's conversation.

"..You'll be helping him make sure the springlock suits don't go off if anyone wears it, alright?" Henry's muffled voice said.

"..Yeah, alright. What else?"

Ah, I thought. We will indeed be working together. How marvelous.

I knock on the door and wait for an answer.

"It's open.." Henry said hesitantly. Once I walked in, Y/N and him were both staring at me. "Oh, Will. I was just telling Y/N that she'd be helping you with the springlock suits.

"Ah. Have you ever worked with springlock suits before, Ms. L/N?" I ask, staring at her.

"Uh.. No."

"That's quite alright. I'll help you understand the basics tomorrow."


"Will, why are you here anyway? Sorry for sounding rude! I just don't want you to forget why." Henry asked.

"Oh, do you have any crayons or whatever? I promised Michael he could draw."

"Oh, yeah, here." Henry hands me the crayons and I thank him.

"I'll be in my office if either of you need me,"



I walk out and go into my office, closing the door.

"Here, Mike," I hand the box to him.

"Thanks!" He takes it and immediately pulls out an orangey-red color, scribbling a circle.

"What are you drawing?" I ask, grabbing a book from the bookshelf, then sitting myself down next to him, glancing over.

"You'll see!"

"Ah, alright. Tell me when it's done. I bet it'll be worthy to hang on the fridge,"

Mike smiles and nods, leaving me to read my book quietly.'

After around 30 minutes, Michael taps my thigh gently.

"Daddy, it's done!" Michael exclaims. I set my book in my lap and look over.

It's a drawing of a fox animatronic, or what I thought looks close to it.

"That's cool, Mike! What made you draw it?"

"Well, I just drew it! No reason why!"

"Mm, well, what's his name?"

Michael thought for a moment.


William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now