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willy's pov ;)

I walk into work bright and early, around 6am. I've gotten no sleep in the past three days, so I decided to come in and get my work over with.

Henry isn't here yet, his car isn't in the parking lot. I sigh and unlock the door, turning of the lights to see.

I walk through the main area and go down the hallway to my office, sitting down and forcing myself to work.

Easily, I finish. It was slightly harder than normal considering I had no one here to rely on to annoy me.

It may seem like it annoys me, but in reality, it brings me joy to see others enjoy my presence. Especially Y/N.

Y/N was the type of girl to brighten up your day with a singular smile. Hell, just her being near anybody bade them smile. She could cheer anybody up when they're sad.

I smile to myself at the thought of her, internally wishing she had to work today. Maybe I'll just make her work extra early tomorrow just so I get to see her face.

I yawn, my eyes feeling heavy. I was already on my third coffee of the morning.

I rest my head down on the table, slowly feeling myself drift off to sleep.

It was only until I heard a loud call from Henry's room that woke me up. I couldn't quite catch what he yelled, but I jumped instantly, clearing my throat as I got up as quickly as possibly and seeing what he needed.

"What, Henry?" I ask, my voice still groggy from being asleep. I look down and see Y/N there. Confused, I ask her:

"Y/N? Why.. are you here?" I quickly feel my face grow warm as I look at Henry, silently asking him instead, because we both know she didn't have work today.

I see him lean back in his chair, smirking at Y/N with his arms crossed.

I gaze back at Y/N, watching her face too get pink as she stammers on her words. I smile to myself as I listen to her come up with another lie on the spot.

"I- Um.." she panics a bit to herself. "Henry needed to.. talk to me? about.. uh.. business?"


I find myself getting too caught up on what she's saying and snap back into reality.

"Right, right.. Erm.. Alright, then.. Goodbye, L/N." I clear my throat and quickly leave, feeling my face grow red from embarrassment.

I stay, though, once the door is shut, listening to their conversation as I needed to know what they spoke about.

Henry's laughter, Henry trying to force Y/N to admit her liking for me, and..

"What? No I don't! I don't even know him!"


That could change.

I smile to myself as I go into the main area, adjust my hair, and stare out the window for a bit.

It doesn't take long for Y/N to come out and notice me.

Her light footsteps stop as she looks at me from afar. I wait for a few moments to say something, though. Just to let her identify who I am.

"I know you're there, L/N." I say quietly, only intended for her, in case Henry was watching from afar. I don't think he is, though.

"Sorry.. Uh.. Where's Mike?" she asks awkwardly. Probably too shy to initiate a conversation.

I sigh to myself.

It's always Mike.

I fake a chuckle.

"With his mother." My face goes serious again as I sarcastically smile. I know she couldn't see it. My voice comes out slightly shaky, and I hear her footsteps walk over next to me.

She noticed, huh?

I mention her my intimidation and her boldness, cutting her off from speaking.

"Come here?" I add on to one of my sentences, trying not to sound desperate, but am I? Yes.

I feel her gaze examine my face, almost immediately noticing my eye bags.

I already answer her sentence before she can say it.

"I know. You're going to tell me that I need more sleep. That it's unhealthy." I fake another chuckle. I mention my relationship and how it's faltering. She asks why, but I cover it up somewhat smoothly.

I look at her and watch as she turns pink, then watch her turn her head toward the window.

"Don't look away from me. I.. am not as oblivious as I am described to be. I always know what's happening." I add a bit of emphasis on the always, making sure she knows.

"So you-" She starts, but I cut her off again.

"Yes," I say, then start to elaborate on what I meant.

She asks how I manage to keep track of these things, and I tell her:

"I have my secrets, Y/N." God, it feels weird to say her first name. It's pretty. I don't like her last name as much as her first. Mine would fit it better.

I smile and I look out the window, letting her in on my college dreams to open up a diner with Henry. I mention how we could probably start expanding our locations soon, and we talk about Henry for a little while.

"Our only topic to talk about are the animatronics or the diner. Other than those, I don't know." I tell her as we mention me and Henry have nothing in common.

I already know what she's thinking. 'And me.' Well, of course. We always talk about her.

"Why aren't you yelling for once?" She asks as I look at her cheek, smiling at a thought I had.

"I'm just trying to get to know you more, that's all." I say truthfully, knowing she'd hardly believe it.

"Liar. What's really up?"

"Why would I lie to you?"


Of course, the silence.

She always goes silent when she doesn't have an answer. That's what I like. It gives me more time to speak to her.

"I want to get to know you, Y/N." I say, waiting for her to look back at me. And she doesn't. "More than you know. I'm not an old, cranky, old grouch. At least I hope you don't think I am." I smile a bit.

"Would you like to go out for coffee sometime?" I ask, carrying the conversation. That got her attention. She looks at me, our eyes locking with the others. "As.. colleagues, of course."

"Yeah, I think I'd like that." She smiles big, almost as if she didn't know.

"Lovely." I say. "Would you like my number so we can talk about this not at work?"

She nods. "I think that would be best."

I laugh a bit and pull out a small piece of paper from my pocket, along with a pen, writing down my number quickly, and a note to go along with it.

make sure you don't forget,
-w.a. "

I hand it to her folded. "I'll see you tomorrow, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. 10 am. Will Mike be here?" She lights up at the me turn of my son. I roll my eyes playfully.

"I believe so, why?"

"Because I like him more than you." she smiles and comes closer, standing on her toes to softly kiss my cheek. My face immediately turns red as my eyes widen, my mouth dropping a bit.

She leaves, leaving me alone in the room as I watch her get in her car and leave.

Oh God.

Am I really catching feelings for her?

No, I can't be.


William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now