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              Mike's pov

Fighting is what I've heard all for weeks at Fredbear's. Y/N and my dad are always fighting, and it's always over stupid stuff! Just yesterday they were fighting over my dad, and how he barely works and stuff, I don't remember.

All I remember is being annoyed and covering my ears for like an hour. Uncle Henry told me to just ignore it, but how can I ignore fighting?

I mean, I went to the arcade area once and could barely hear them. I could still hear them pretty well, though. They basically scream at each other.

I sat at one of the booths in the dining area, staring outside through the clear glass door. That's when I notice Y/N's car pull into the driveway. My father suddenly came in and leaned against the wall closest to the door.

Here we go. I thought.

"Y/N!" He said with a fake happy tone as she walked through. Before she could even reply he added on. "You're late."

"What?" She responded confused. "My shift's for 8, right?"

"Yes, you're correct. But, it's currently 8:01."

"You're joking. You can't be serious! Come on, Afton. It's a minute difference!"

"Rules are rules, L/N."

"Oh my God, it's literally just a minute!"

"Well maybe if you-"

"Can you two shut up!? Everyday I have to put. up with your- your nonsense! It's annoying!" I yelled, turning my head to look at them. They both went silent and gazed over.

"Michael," my dad started. "Mind your own-"

"No! It's annoying! First thing I hear when Y/N walks in is YOU yelling at her! If you two hate each other so much, just quit!"

"Come on, I don't yell at her whenever she walks in."

"You kind of do." Y/N replied.

"Whatever. I don't get why you're so annoyed by it, Michael. You go through lots of arguments a day."

"Yeah, well-"

And then he walked off. I could just feel him rolling his eyes at me.

But I didn't do anything. Right?

"Hey, Mike," Y/N walked over, sitting next to me. "I'm sorry. Look, your father is just such a twat and he-"

"Hold on, did you just say twat? You're picking up on his acts too! Of course you are! Everybody is! Everybody."

"Oh my God, I did. That's- That's embarrassing and annoying at the same time. Hey, do I have permission to like —I don't know— hit your dad?"

I laughed a bit. "Mhm! Go ahead!"

Y/N smiles at me. "Alright, well, now I need to actually work. I'll try to keep the fighting to a minimum, okay?"

"I guess. Have fun making out with him or whatever,"

"Michael! I'm not going to make out with your father!"

"Really? Ever heard of the saying 'If a boy picks on a girl, he likes her'?" Y/N nods.

"Where are you going with this?"

"Maybe that's what he means."

"That's impossible, he's married."

"Yeah, and? He never shuts up about you."

"Oh really?"

"Mhm! Every night when we get home, it's "Y/N" this, "Y/N" that. Even at dinner! Even at night when I can't sleep I hear him talking to my mum about you. Then they start arguing. I don't know, I usually try to ignore it, but it doesn't work."

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now