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"Y/N!" Henry greeted me as I walked through the door of the diner, even though I'm not working today. "Hey! Follow me," He led me to his office and locked the door, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Why am I here at 9 am when I don't work?" I ask, sitting down across from him.

"Well, Y/N, we're here to talk about William!"

"What? Why? Is he dead? Please tell me he is."

"He- Y/N! Don't say that! No, he isn't dead."

"Then what do you want? I'm tired, and your call made me think the pizzeria burned down."

"Okay, well, remember when we talked about if William might like you?"


"Good! We're talking about it again. I was over at his place the other night for dinner, right?"


"He couldn't shut up about you! I SWEAR! He was like, 'Ms. L/N' this, 'Ms. L/N' that! He talked to me about how annoying you were, but then he started rambling how and his face was like, getting pinker!"

"WHAT?" I yell, my hand going to my mouth immediately as Henry shushes me. "Sorry! But WHAT!"

"He's here right now, Y/N! You don't want him to hear, do you?"

I shake my head no and stare at Henry with pure shock.

"Exactly. So then, as he was getting his children for bed, Mike was asking about you, right? And he was telling Will on how much he likes you and how he wants you to marry him, and you should've seen Will's face!"

"Wait, what? What happened?"

"It went as red as red can be! He didn't say a word and when I asked him about it he told me to shut up! Well, he also told me not to tell you, but you know!"

Oh my God.


Likes.. me?

No way! He definitely doesn't. Besides, it's inappropriate and highly unprofessional.

"Henry, I know you're trying to help, but I don't like him."

"Oh come on, don't lie to yourself, Y/N. It's pretty clear you do.."

"What? How?"

"I always see your face light up when you see him,"

"What? That's a lie."

"Mhm." Henry went silent for a second. "WILLIAM AFTON!"

"Henry!? What are you doing?"

A few moments later, the door opened to reveal a messy haired William, as if he had just been woken up.

"What, Henry?" His thick British accent filled the room as he looked down. "Y/N? Why.. are you here?" his face went a bit pink and he looked away, probably at Henry to glare at him.

I gaze over at Henry, his face in a smirk as he winked at me, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.

"I- Um.. Henry needed to.. talk to me? about... uhh, business?" I answer, coming up with a lie on the spot.

"Right, right.. Erm.. Alright, then.. I'll- uh. Goodbye, L/N." William's face went more pink as he shut the door and left.

Henry's laughter filled the room. "That was the funniest thing I've seen so far today! Y/N, admit it, you like him."

"What? No I don't! I don't even know him!"

"Right. And what would you do if he just do happened to ask you out?"

"He wouldn't. He's married."

"Haven't you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"He wants a divorce. He's not happy in his relationship."

"What? No, no! I can't let them divorce because of me!"

"Woah, Y/N! Calm down! I'm sure it's not because of you!"

"But if he likes me then it is!"

"I'll.. have him talk to you."

I sigh, nodding a bit. "Just gave him call me. You know my number."

"Alright. See you tomorrow? 10 am, right?"

"Yeah. Tomorrow."

I stand up and wave with a smile, heading out the of the office and into the main area. I'm greeted with a mans figure about 20 feet away in the window, just staring.




i genuinely don't know what to write so take this and go🙏

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now