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"Great. Now I'm gonna get a cold because of you." I scoff and look at the man behind me as we walk into the house.

He chuckles softly and removes his shoes, rolling his eyes. "You'll be fine."

"If I'm sick, I'm never coming back over here." I take my shoes off as well and cross my arms.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Want me to run you a bath so you don't overreact anymore?"


"Alright. Follow me," I nod and he walks upstairs with me, bringing me to the bathroom.

"I can wash your clothes as well," He offers. "so you have something to wear."

"Sure," I smile and he turns on the faucet in the tub, making sure it's warm before he pops the plug into the drain.

He looks at me, smiling softly.

"What?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Nothing. I'm just processing everything that has happened in the past ten minutes," He chuckles and turns off the faucet. "There you go, princess, your bath awaits," He rolls his eyes at me, not realizing the way the nickname affects me.

His tone was sarcastic, but it still made my cheeks red.

"Why thank you. Now get out."

"Aww, do I have to?"

"Afton. Go."

"Fine, fine. I was just joking. Just leave your clothes on the counter, I'll come in and take care of them in a few minutes,"

"Okay. Go away now,"

"I'm going!" He laughs and shuts the door behind him. I undress carefully and set the clothes where he said to, and I get into the bath, immediately feeling the temperature change.

Within a few minutes, I hear a soft knock. "Y/N?"


"Are you in the bath?"


"Just checking so I don't see you," He walks in and covers the corners of his eyes, covering what he can see from the bath. I smile to myself and look at the soaps, seeing his stupid men's shampoo and conditioner.

"Enjoying yourself, I presume?" He asks, setting a towel down where my clothes were.



"Mhm. I have to smell like you."

"Good. I'll be back," I hum in response and I hear the door shut, leaving me alone.


I stand on the bath mat, the towel wrapped around my body. The sound of William knocking on the door makes me jump a bit.


"Oh, are you out of the bath?"

"Clearly. What do you want?"

"I have your clothes."

"Oh yeah!"

"But I'm not letting you wear your uniform to bed."

"So.. What am I gonna wear?"

"I brought you some of mine. Can I come in?"


He opens the door and looks at me, before quickly looking away, his cheeks slightly pink. He sets the clothes down on the counter, looking back at me.

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now