1. The Awkward Ride to Hogwarts

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or its contents, blah blah blah. I'm the number one harry potter fan, and drarry fan, but unfortunately i still dont own it.

This is my first Drarry...its AU so if some of the characters arent exactly the way you are used to being, tough bun cakes. Also, criticism is allowed, but if your rude in any way i will write back a most nasty reply pointing out several flaws in any books you might have, and if you dont have any books, I will probably point out several things about how stupid and foolish you look for being rude on someones else work when you can just not read it. It makes you look stupid to insult others.

Enjoy my Drarry!!! :3

"Really Hermione, what has your panties in a bunch?" Ron Weasely sniggered as they waited for the train to start moving to take Harry and his friends to Hogwarts. Hermione glared daggers at him and smacked him in the back of the head. Ron spluttered, "Hey!" and rubbed his head while Harry shook his head, chuckling. Hermione turned her daggers on Harry, so he shrank back in his seat. Hermione's wrath was enough to make a dementor cry. Harry put his hands up defensively, and she rolled her eyes.

She pushed her frizzy brown hair out of her face and made a huffing noise, turning back to the window and resuming her glare outside. Harry looked questioningly at Ron, hoping he knew what was wrong with Hermione, but he shrugged and scowled at Hermione's turned head. "Blimey I say one thing and she has to try and knock my head off," he muttered, not thinking she could hear until he earned another glare from the wild haired nightmare. He got up and took off before she could actually take his head off. Now Harry was all alone. No one to witness his death.

Harry smiled weakly at the furious woman, but all she did was huff again and turn her head back to the window. Harry hesitated before sitting next to her and saying quietly, "What's wrong Hermione?" She didn't answer so Harry put a hand on her shoulder. "Hermione you've been like this ever since I got to the Burrow two weeks ago," he said. "What, did I do something?" Irritated that she was ignoring him he shook her slightly, trying to get a reaction out of her.

Bad idea. She landed a smack so hard against the back of his head he thought his eyes would pop out of his head. "I'm bloody fine now leave me alone!" She snapped, storming away, slamming the door behind her. Harry stared after her, annoyed and a little hurt. He fixed his glasses on his face and scowled at nothing. Her attitude was really starting to get on Harry's nerves. She had gotten so snappish and jumpy, and whenever she spoke was only when she yelled at someone.

Fuming even more now, he scowled out the window, mimicking Hermione's face and glaring daggers at anyone or anything that he saw out the window. The door opened again and Harry looked to see his nemisis, Draco Malfoy standing there. His silver eyes darted from side to side, like he was nervous, and he ran a hand through his white blond hair. He looked paler than usual, his eyes bloodshot and his sunken face made him look like he was dead. He spotted Harry and stared at him. Harry braced himself for insults, as he said coolly, "Malfoy."

Malfoy cocked his head a little, like he was confused. Quietly, he said, "Potter." He didn't say it with venom in his voice, he didn't sneer, and his eyes were filled with confusion and curiosity rather than hatred. He shifted from side to side like he was unsure of what to do. He seemed to be trying to avoid Harry's eyes.

Finally Harry lost his patience, not wanting to play games with Malfoy. "What do you want?" Harry snapped, feeling crabby. Speaking of crabby... "Where's your bodyguards Crabbe and Goyle?" I demanded, suspicious. Malfoy never went anywhere without them. Malfoy merely shrugged, still avoiding Harry's eyes.

"Can I sit here?" He asked suddenly, finally looking up at Harry's eyes, but only briefly. Harry was stunned. Why would Malfoy want to sit with him? Was he planning something? Were Crabbee and Goyle going to jump in at any second and fire jynxs at him?

Harry sneered at him and growled stating his thoughts, "What are you planning Malfoy?" He glared at him furiously as Malfoy smirked at him, though he still looked nervous and even a little scared.

"Nothing Potty it's just full everywhere else, and I need a place to sit," he said coolly, sauntering in and ignoring Harry's pitiful death stares. If only his glares were as effective as Hermione's. Malfoy flopped in a seat with a sigh. "So Potty, what's with the sour mood," he said in a cheerful tone, although his lip was curled in a slight sneer. Harry sighed inwardly. At least Malfoy was being half normal now.

"That's none of your business is it Malfoy?" Harry snapped. Malfoy looked amused, which only irritated Harry even more. He sprawled out on his seat, peering at Harry from under his eyelashes.

"My, someone's mouthy today," he drawled, smirking at Harry. "Better watch yourself Potter. I'm not throwing spells but it doesn't mean I won't if you cross the line with me." His eyes narrowed slightly and Harry knew he wasn't kidding.

Trying his best to ignore the annoying blond, he stared out the window, watching the sky as it steadily grew darker. Why was Malfoy always around when Harry didn't want to see him? He turned to see Malfoy studying him. "What?" Harry said irritably, shifting in his seat a little nervously. What was with him? Why was Malfoy acting strange?

"Nothing." He replied, looking away as a pink flush crawled in his cheeks. "I'm going to leave, see you at school Potty." With that Malfoy got up and swept out of the room, with Harry staring after him.

As Harry got off the train he spotted poor Ron get chewed out for something from Hermione. Holding back an amused chuckle at Ron's pitiful face, he walked up to them and said, "What's up you two?"

Ron squeaked and ran behind Harry's small form and wailed, "She's a mental patient! I tripped over my own foot and she exploded on me!" Harry took a deep breath to keep himself from laughing. Even though Hermione's mood was irritating him, it made him laugh during his stay at the Burrow for the two weeks.

"Ooh RONALD!" Hermione shrieked, trying to grab Ron's neck as they ran around Harry. I heard soft laughter and a voice drawled, "Look's like the Mudblood is on her monthly." Oh Merlin, Harry thought, Malfoy's going to die. With a raged cry, Hermione flung herself at Malfoy, whose face turned from smug to shock as she charged at him. "Go away you banshee!" He yelped, running off, leaving Harry and Ron doubled over and laughing at them.

Sorry this chapter was so short but I was in a hurry...

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