14. Where Loyalties Lay.

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DISCLAIMER: I read all the HP books. I watched, and own all the movies. I am one of the biggest HP fans. I ship Drarry. I made my own wand out of wood when I was little. I know every spell that JK Rowling has ever mentioned. I have several HP games. But I still don't own Harry Potter....how is this fair???

Harry blinked at the darkness that surrounded him, and it felt like his air was choked off. He looked around blindly, trying to see Draco in the darkness. "Lumos," he whispered, and the tip of his wand lit up. He dared not say anything else, for fear of Lucius still around, and then realized stupidly that even if he didn't hear him, he could see him, with his wand lit up.

There was some shifting and Draco got up slowly from his couch, which had one of it's arms blown off. Harry sighed with relief. The couch had saved his life. He stashed the invisibility cloak under his robes and rushed to him. Draco saw him and quickly crushed his body against him, whimpering.

They heard another body shift and Harry quickly pointed his wand at Lucius who stood slowly. "Potter," he sneered. "Come to meddle in our affairs, are you?"

Harry glowered back hatefully. "Why?" He demanded. "Why would you try and kill your own son?"

Lucius laughed like it was the stupidest question. "The Dark Lord is not pleased with HIM," he replied, looking at Draco in distaste. "He ordered me to find him, and if I couldn't he said he would kill me and Narcissa."

"So you would rather kill your own son than die for him?" Harry demanded, feeling disgusted with the man.

"He is no son of mine," Lucius growled, glaring at Draco's tear stricken face. "I could hardly stand the fact that his blood is now tainted, but I suppose it was my fault. But then he made a fool out of himself, running from the Dark Lord and into the arms of the Boy Who Lived." He shook his head.

Harry never felt so angry in his life. "I'd say he made the right choice," he said.

"Shut up Potter, you don't know anything," Lucius ground out between his teeth.

"I know that Voldemort has changed you into a machine, taking orders like some pet of his, killing off innocent people just because you're scared." Harry replied, clenching his fists.

"I'm sorry I fear for my life Potter," Lucius snapped.

"So you think it's alright to kill others when YOU deserve to die? I'm scared for my life EVERY DAMN DAY, but it doesn't stop me from protecting those whom I love." Harry told him.

"Yes," Lucius answered. "I don't care about others, I just want to get through my life peacefully. Even if I must kill to save my life, then so be it. I'm not you Potter, I'm no fool. I take care of myself before anyone or anything else."

"If you do that, you die with guilt and unhappiness...is that what you want?" Harry demanded, and Lucius barked out a laugh.

"I have killed many more people Potter, so do you see me with guilt in my face, or reluctance, or unhappiness? The Dark Lord is coming back Potter and there is nothing you can do to stop it. THAT makes me happy."

He raised his wand and said, "I'll give you a choice Draco. Come with me, and the Dark Lord will spare your life. Cooperate with him, make him strong and invincible. Do it or you die." He pointed his wand calmly at Draco's face while he spoke.

Draco stared at the wand in his face and Harry tensed and watched disbelievingly as he got up slowly to stand next to his father. They began to walk out in silence, looking very much alike, stiff and proper, chests puffed out with pride and dignity. "Draco," Harry pleaded in a soft voice.

"Shut up Potter," Draco said in a cold voice, turning and facing him angrily, blond hair whipping around his face. "I'm not a fool like you, I love my life and I will keep it no matter what. Open your eyes and see, Harry Potter, that it's killed or be killed in this world, and if those are my two choices, I would rather bodies lay at my feet rather than be one dying myself."

"Draco, where do your loyalties lay?" Harry demanded. "I know you hate Voldemort as much as I do, but you're scared. You don't have to be though. I'll protect you. No matter what, even if you say you don't want it, or try to kill me yourself. I'll be by your side, I will die for you because I love you, even when your love for me is long gone."

Draco's sneer wavered and he said quietly, "You love me?"

Harry nodded. "Yes Draco, and I know you love me too, but you're just scared."

Lucius scoffed. "Really Potter how can a Malfoy love YOU?" He sneered.

"Because we're mates," Draco blurted without thinking. Harry hissed at him, but the damage had been done. Lucius' shock turned into disgust and then he smirked a little.

"Draco, come," he ordered.

Draco turned and started to follow his dad out he room, but stopped when Harry said quietly, "If you walk away right now don't you dare ever come back. I won't give a damn if you're leaving to protect me, or because you're lost, or scared. If you walk out that door, you better not come back to me. Because I won't be here."

Draco turned again, and said in a shaky voice, "I don't give a shit about you Potter. I won't need your protection, I have the Dark Lord now. I don't care if you won't be here. Because I'm never coming back anyways."

"Then by all means, leave," Harry said, motioning at the door. Draco didn't move, just stared at him while fresh tears were hanging in his eyes, threatening to fall. Harry didn't care; he was serious about everything he said. If Draco walked away, it meant he didn't care enough.

"Hello Lucius," Snape's cold drawl brought them to their senses. A flash of light eminated from the Slytherin's wand, and Lucius fell back. Snape and Remus stepped in the room.

"Harry," Remus greeted, brushing past Draco to grab Lucius. "Come on Malfoy time to see the Headmaster," he said pleasantly.

"Sorry for being late Harry, Dumbledore's gargoyle at the front of the stairs were being difficult," Snape said, walking up to Draco and leading him and Harry out.

Harry was completely shocked that Snape had used his given name and for once, he was really happy to see the git as they walked down the hall after Remus and an unconsious Lucius.


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