13. Betrayal

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OH NO!! BETRAYAL??!! What's going to happen?? Will Lupin betray Snape, or will Snape betray Harry, or will Draco betray Snape, or will Snape betray Lupin, or will Lupin betray Harry, or will Draco betray Harry, or will Harry betray Snape, or *panting* or am I just being weird again? Sorry people, tee hee.

At 7:30 pm, Harry was ready to smack Draco. His whining was getting on his nerves. "But Harry, I wanted to hang out with youuuu!" Draco cried, wrapping an arm around Harry's skinny waist. "Haaaaarry!" He smacked the Slytherin away from him, scowling in annoyance.

"I'll only be gone for a little bit," Harry assured him, forcing himself to keep from gritting his teeth at the clingy blond. He pouted, his lower lip sticking out. Harry smiled. Only he was allowed to see this side of Draco. The whiny, pouty, clingy side. Oh how lucky Harry was...

"When you come back, I want to give you something," he told Harry, a mischievous twinkle in his eye that made him shiver.

"Alright," Harry said, trying to pry himself away from Draco. "Just as long as it's not dirty or anything." Draco grinned wider and Harry rolled his eyes. He pulled the invisibility cloak around himself and left the Room of Requirement, which they still used, even though they were allowed back in their common room.

He strode to Snape's office, making sure to keep from running into anyone. When he reached his destination, he knocked loudly, anxious to get a few answers, even if it was by his least favorite teacher. There was no noise, so he cautiously opened the door and stepped inside, which was a stupid idea.

Harry would never be able to get the image of a naked Lupin thrusting into Snape, who was moaning and writhing against him. They were on the floor, which was littered with papers and books.

Harry shut the door quickly, took a deep breath to calm himself, and knocked again, much louder this time. He heard muffled swearing, and about a minute later a groggy, disoriented Remus opened the door, his pupils dilated and filled with fading lust. He had a pair of red and gold boxers on and nothing else, making Harry look away. He didn't want that horrid image crawling back in his mind.

"Harry," he said warmly, a smile crawling up on his face. "Hold on just a moment." He disappeared back inside the office, shutting the door. He heard a few mumbles inside and then a dazed Snape with hair sticking out in all places opened the door next. He was wearing his robes thank Merlin. Harry couldn't stand to see him half naked like Remus, he would run away like a scared chicken.

"Potter," he greeted, "come in." Harry followed him in the office, a wave of heat greeting him as Remus brought the fireplace to life with a flick of his wand. Snape and Remus settled on the couch next to each other, looking like a real couple as they squeezzed each other's hands a moment before Snape got into his teaching mood, glaring at Harry. "I'm not going to tell either of you all of it, but I will answer as much questions as I can. Don't ask daft questions; if you already know the answer or if you know I won't answer it, don't ask." He settled back in his chair, waiting for Harry to start asking.

"Why do you keep disappearing?" Harry asked immediately. That was something he HAD to know.

Snape sneered and said, "Of course, you start off with a daft question. Next."

"No," Harry said firmly, "I need to know."

"Well Potter as touching as it is that you are worried, I'm afraid the Headmaster would not enjoy me spilling that out," Snape explained, all traces of anger and annoyance gone, revealing a tired, beaten down Slytherin.

"I don't care about what Dumbledore thinks," Harry snapped. He was tired of all the secrets Dumbledore kept from him. He was tired of questions being avoided because he thought Harry wouldn't be able to stand it. He was going to find out one way or another, and Snape seemed to realize that to because he sighed, giving in.

"The Dark Lord, as you know, wants Draco's power, to become even more invincible. He thought of attacking Hogwarts to get to him. So your brilliant teacher told him he went into hiding, and of course he believed me. We are looking in random areas where he may be, but the Dark Lord is very impatient..."

Harry didn't have to hear anymore. Voldemort was torturing Snape after every fruitless attempt to find him.

"You mustn't tell ANYONE Potter," Snape said firmly, staring at him evenly. "If Voldemort finds out, it will be the end of Draco, and you. I could care less if I died," Remus hissed a little, wrapping a secure arm around his lover, as though that would protect him. "-but my job is to protect you and Draco."

Harry nodded, glad to understand a little of what's going on. "Does Draco's dad know?" Harry asked.

Snape tensed a little and said in a worried voice, "I haven't seen Lucius around at all since Draco came here, but I assume he knows what's going on." Snape told him.

Harry nodded, then looked at Remus, who was very pale and definitely did not look happy. He buried his face in the crook of Snape's neck, nibbling a little on it. Harry cringed as pictures flooded out of his mind. "Please," Harry begged, "not in front of me."

"Then I suggest you leave Potter," Snape said with a smirk hat looked an awful lot like Draco's. Making one last face at them, he thanked Snape for at least one answer, deciding to ask Snape about Voldemort's actual plans later when Remus wasn't around sucking on his neck. He pulled the invisibility cloak around him and disappeared from the office.

Harry knew something was wrong the moment he saw the Room of Requirement open and a hooded figure slid inside. Harry slipped in after, he door closing behind him.

"Harry?" Draco groaned, lifting his head from the couch, and staring at the figure. "Who are you?" He demanded, grabbing his wand.

"Expelliarmus," the figure said in an all too familiar voice. A white hand emerged from the black robe, catching Draco's wand, before pulling down his hood. He looked like his son in so many ways, platinum blond hair, except it was long, and the same piercing silver eyes.

"D-Dad?" Draco demanded, stepping closer. "What are you-"

"Avada Kedavra!" Lucius cried, and green light filled the air, followed by blackness.

OMG OMG OMG!! I totally tricked you didn't I??!! You thought Draco would be up to something, or Snape, but Draco's own father just tried to kill him!! *hint hint: TRIED! We'll see what happens next chapter!!

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