6. Draco Attacks Hogsmeade... o.0

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DISCLAIMER:I own Harry Potter now!!!!!!!

.........JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!! :D I know I'm weird.

How do ya'll think about the title? What's going to happen? Will Harry Potty be able to save the day? READ ALLREADY AND FIND OUT DAMN IT! Sorry :D Also I dont know much about Hogsmeade and I dont feel like looking it up so just deal with it :P

Harry was in his doubles potions class, feeling very awkward. Why you say? Because the Gryffindors were paired up with Slytherins, and he happened to be paired with Malfoy. He had surprisingly kept his promise and stayed out of trouble. He was looking much healthier now, and acting more like himself every day unfortunately. Harry didn't mind the insults, he was just relieved that Malfoy was acting right. But the question came up again...Why did Harry care so much about Malfoy?

"POTTER!" Malfoy yelped, taking the cauldron which was now bubbling. "Do you know how to stir at all?" He growled, stirring it slowly. "What's going on through that thick head of yours lately?" He huffed. "Every time I look at you, you're daydreaming."

"Aww you've been watching me?" Harry teased. "Are you my stalker now?" Malfoy's face went red and and he dropped his head.

"Sh-shut up Potter!" He spluttered, making Harry chuckle. He tried concentrating on the potion they were making (Harry couldn't even remember the name for it) but his mind began to wander again until Malfoy nudged him and that shot of electricity flew through his body, making his head snap up.

"What?" Harry snapped, a little too harshly than he meant to. Malfoy raised a perfect eyebrow at him in question.

"What's your problem Harry?" He demanded, and Harry jumped again. The only time they said each other's given names was when they were in an empty hall and they passed eachother. Harry half kept his promise and sometimes tried to avoid Draco, but other times he would purpously walk through a hall just to be around him. It was weird, but he felt warm inside every time Draco looked at him or said something.

"N-nothing," he said meekly, avoiding Draco's silver eyes. Draco stared at him for a few minutes and then shrugged, going back to their potion.

Professor Slughorn turned out to be as much of a nuisance as Snape. And he had a problem with being around Harry. He would always praise him, even if his potion was getting ready to explode, and always made Harry stay after so they could talk about random things. Harry almost wished Snape was back in potions class.

Harry had seen Snape in the hallway the other day and Harry thought he was a ghost. His skin was so white, his eyes looked like dead black holes in his head, and his limp was even worse, and it happened to be his other leg that was now wounded.

"POTTER!" Malfoy's yell brought him back to reality so he grabbed three bat wings and handed them to Malfoy meekly, ignoring the smirks he was getting from the Slytherins.

The Hogsmeade trip had come up, much to Harry's pleasure. He visited Fred and George at their joke shop, then went to Honeydukes, buying himself some licorice wands and a few chocolate frogs. Hermione and Ron were off together looking at other shops while Harry was left to wander around with only his thoughts keeping him company.

The sound of harsh Slytherin laughing made him stop and look to see a bunch of them surrounding Malfoy. Swearing, he slipped on his invisibility cloak, which he always brought with him now, and slunk over to where they were.

"-can't be serious!" One of them, Blaise Zabini, laughed. "The Slytherin Prince...This is perfect!" He laughed again. Malfoy stood still, head held high, eyes blank and showing no emotion. Zabini pushed Malfoy a little and demanded, "How did it happen anyways? Aren't you supposed to be bitten or something? That shouldn't be possible, they've been wiped out for thousands of years."

"Like I'll tell you anything," Malfoy snorted. "Besides I don't see anything wrong with it."

"I do," Pansy Parkinson snarled, stepping from the crowd. " You're a disgrace, you know that? A disgrace to the whole Slytherin house!"

Malfoy shrugged. "That doesn't matter to me anymore," he told them, smirking at Zabini's outraged face. "I have more power than you guys could dream of."

"Even the Dark Lord?" Zabini asked in a low voice.

Malfoy shuddered and said weakly, "I don't know about that..."

"Aww Malfoy where did your confidence go?" Zabini sneered, as they surrounded him with wands out. "You know, the Dark Lord wasn't pleased with you running out, after all, he was so looking forward to having you share some of your power..."

"Th-the Dark Lord doesn't need my power," Malfoy whimpered, watching with wide eyes as Zabini raised his wand.

Everything happened so fast. Harry lifted his wand and shouted, "Stupefy!" and Zabini flew back, knocking into a couple other Slytherins. At the same time, he could see Malfoy's eyes turn bright yellow and then his body began to transform...

Harry watched in horror as his body began to change shape, his back arching as he fell on his hands and knees, spikes shooting from his back, long, yellow claws spurting from his hands, his feet and hands forming what looked like webbed paws...

Harry was now looking into the yellow eyes of a creature he had never seen before. His body was shaped like a torpedo with a short, hairless tail that had a purple spike at the end. Long teeth poked out of his mouth, at least ten inches long. He had a short snout like a dog's and small, pointed ears. His whole body was hairless, even the top of his head. He looked like a mix between a lizard and a werewolf.

What used to be Malfoy was now a monster. It growled, it's head swerving around to glare at the horrified Slytherins. With a roar, it leaped at Pansy. Before Harry could even stop it, it was on Pansy, it's long teeth ripping at her throat. Then it was gone, running throuh the rest of Hogsmeade, making everyone scream in fear. Harry didn't want anyone else to get hurt, so he took off after it.

Hogsmeade was in chaos. People were running from the creature, as it growled and pounced on anything that was in it's path. Three bodies were already on the ground when Harry got there, one he didn't know that was dead, two that were only scratched a little, one being Colin Creevey the other unknown. After helping them get up, Harry said, "Go get Professor Dumbledore, NOW!" They quickly ran off, and Harry ran through the crowds. He had to find Malfoy. He had to help.

Harry saw Hermione standing there, gaping at Malfoy as he ran off towards the Shrieking Shack, where a few kids had decided to hide at. As Harry ran past to catch up to him, Jermione screamed, "No Harry, Draco's dangerous!" Harry almost stopped there, but kept on going. How did she know it was Malfoy?

He didn't have time to find out. He managed to grab Malfoy by the ankle and was pulling him down with all his force. Malfoy tripped and fell, and Harry quickly cast a binding spell on him, feeling stupid. He should have done that earlier!

The other kids scrambled away while Harry put a hand on his shoulder. "Malfoy?" He murmured. "Draco?"

The creature growled and started wriglling, freeing himself from the spell easily. Harry jumped back, but the creature just stood there, his growls turning into whimpers, his body transforming...

"Harry," Draco gasped, falling on the ground and bursting into tears. Harry knelt down, rubbing his back, not caring that Draco was naked, or that it was his former enemy. Draco curled up into a ball, pressing against Harry and whimpering at his touch.

Harry heard noise and looked up to see Hermione's big eyes, along with a shocked Professor McGonagall, a confused Snape, and a grim Dumbledore. "Well Harry, since you didn't listen to Professor Snape's warning," Professor Dumbledore mused, and Harry expected the yelling of a lifetime, but then Dumbledore smiled and continued, "it seems you have saved us." Harry stared. Dumbledore motioned everyone to come, and Professor McGonagall followed, while Harrry got up and pulled Malfoy up, who was now half consious. Without looking at each other, him and Hermione dragged Malfoy after the professors.

NOTE: Just so ya'll know, the creature Malfoy turned into is my own creation. I draw my own monsters a lot and I decided to use my first ever creation to use for this...you'll find all about it on the next chapter :)

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