9. My Mate

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DISCLAIMER: HARRY WHY WONT YOU BE MINE??!! *brings out nunchucks* i will kick drop you @$$ harry!!!

Harry and Draco were forced into hiding in the Room of Requirement until Dumbledore was sure they were safe. During that time, they did nothing more than sit next to each other and stare at walls. Sometimes if Harry woke from a nightmare, Draco and him would hold hands and look at each other until one of them (usually Draco) fell asleep. Sometimes they would wake up to find their hands intertwined.

Harry had to admit, it was nice holding hands with Draco, even though he used to be his former enemy. When he told this to Hermione, who would visit them at least once a day, she said simply, "Because you guys are mates."

The idea that he was mates with Draco Malfoy was shocking, but Harry accepted it. There was enough proof in his face to believe it. Draco seemed to accept it too, for he didn't make anymore rude comments unless he was teasing and he would hold Harry through the really tough nights instead of mock him like the old Draco Malfoy would do.

Hermione came to the Room of Requirement one day looking pleased. "Ron knows," she told the two boys, stunning them.

"H-how?" Harry demanded, staring at her. "No one is supposed to know..." he felt Draco's grip on his hand tighten a little.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I told him Harry. Don't worry, Dumbledore said it was okay," she added quickly, seeing the look on Draco's face. "He's not too happy that Draco is a 'monster,' as he put it, and even less at the fact you two are mates...but he agreed to disagree and left it at that."

They talked a bit more about school. She gave him his homework, saying that every teacher knew what was going on, and agreed for me to pass you work and pick it up from you when you're finished. Same for you Draco." She handed him some notes and parchment, and a quill, which he took and Harry was glad he hadn't yet tried to insult Hermione.

Hermione was telling them that Halloween was coming up, when she looked at the clock and yelped, "Shoot I have to go," and ran off without another word.

As they settled for bed, Draco mused, "Youvknow I've been meaning to ask Granger something..."

"About what?" Harry asked, looking at him, who was sprawled out on the couch. He nestled in beside him, relaxing at Draco's smooth chest against his.

"Well, remember she said about wizards had no aura or something like that unless they were dating...?" He said quietly, "and her aura happened to be purple..."

They both thought about it, then said at the same time, "Ron Weasley," and laughed, hugging each other until they fell asleep.

Harry happened to go through a rough nightmare that night, tossing and turning as the image of his Godfather Sirius Black vanished from sight, of him chasing down Bellatrix Lestrange as she cackled and chanted, "I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black!!" He woke up to the feeling of body weight shifting on the couch.

"Harry?" Draco's soft breath was like a carress against Harry's wet, tear stricken face. Harry looked back up at Draco's silver eyes which were concerned.

"I'm fine," Harry croaked, but Draco could tell he was lying. Fresh tears stung in his eyes. He tried to blink them away but one of them slid down his face. Draco caught it with a long finger and stroked Harry's cheek.

"Harry it was just a dream," he said gently. "You're fine." He lifted Harry's head to lay it down on his lap. He murmured comforting words while the tears of pain slid down his face. Harry had never hurt this bad before. He wanted to die...literally die. His only family, the Dursleys, hated him, half the world was out to shove a stick through him and offer it to Voldemort (that thought almost made Harry throw up) his Godfather was dead because of him, and he could possibly endanger Draco and his family even more because he was Draco's mate...

"Harry don't talk like that," Draco said firmly, startling Harry. Had he been talking out loud? "I won't let you talk like that. As crazy as it is, you're my mate now. MINE! And I won't let anything come near MY mate. It's not only a Malfoy duty to take care of your loved ones, it's also an Akharfruthi job to care for their mates. You're hurting right now Harry, I can see that; but nothing good will come out of self loathing and suicide. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded his head and felt a warm, wet spot on his forehead. "Good," Draco whispered, his breath hot and soothing on Harry's forehead. "Now don't make me repeat myself, Potty."

Harry smiled and snuggled deeper into Draco's lap, falling asleep. And you know what? Harry had good dreams for the rest of the night.

Morning came and they were still snuggled together when Harry woke. Sighing happily, he shifted slightly to ease a harsh pain in his neck and pressed his face against Draco's chest. If someone had told him a month ago that he would be cuddling with Draco, he would have to ask what medication they were taking.

Draco moved underneath him, groaning, "How much does your head weigh Harry? Twenty, thirty pounds?"

"Actually a normal head weighs about ten," Harry informed him, suddenly feeling like Hermione.

"Shut up Potter."

Harry laughed, feeling light and happy for once. Draco combed his fingers through Harry's messy black hair, humming quietly. Harry found it relaxing, but before he could fall asleep, Draco said quietly, "What was your dream about anyways last night?"

Harry tensed. He should have expected that question, but it still came as a surprise for Harry. "My Godfather," he said quietly.

"What about him?" Draco asked, stifling a yawn.

"He was killed last year," Harry muttered. "By Bellatrix Lestrange."

Draco tensed this time underneath Harry. "Oh," he murmured, "sorry."

Harry sat up, ignoring the protests from the Slytherin, only to wrap himself around Draco and press his face against the crook of his neck. He could feel Draco's breath as his lips pressed gently on his hair. His lips left a tingling sensation as he moved them down to his jaw, then up to rest on his cheek. "Harry," he whispered in his ear. He moved his head slightly so that Draco's lips were resting at the corner of his mouth. A shock ran through their whole body, overwhelming them.Harry looked into Draco's silver eyes and leaned forward, pressing their lips together.

A hot, burning shock vibrated through their bodies as Draco's lips moved against Harry's. Draco pushed him gently on the couch, laying on top and moving his lips with such passion that Harry was immediately lost in it. Draco flicked his tongue against Harry's lips, asking for enterance, and he happily obliged, opening his mouth and allowing Draco's tongue to swarm in. Their tongues battled for dominance, but Harry gave up and allowed Draco's tongue to invade his mouth, running over every inch of it. Draco gently nibbled on his lower lip, making him moan and wrap his arms around Draco's neck.

Finally they broke apart, gasping for air. Draco gazed down at Harry with such lust in his eyes it made him shiver, in the good way. He pulled Draco down for another kiss, this time even more intense. Draco bit and suckled any part of Harry's mouth he could reach, turning him into a pile of quivering jello, whimpering with need at his touch. Draco slid his mouth over to his ear, biting and suckling it, then whispered in a husky voice, "You sound so cute when you whimper."

"Shut up Malfoy," Harry hissed, grabbing a handful of Draco's hair and clashing their mouths together.

A few minutes later Hermione cane into the room to find them in a full make out session. She giggled, earning glares from both boys. Harry was a mess; his hair was even more messy and his glasses were hanging off his face. Harry quickly fixed them while Draco tried to fix both of their hair in a frantic pace, then giving up all together and flopping on his back. Hermione just laughed harder at them.

Did you like the kissing scene? WELL??!! DID YA???!! You better have or I'm going to crawl into your window tonight and sit on you and scream into your ear until you agree. Then I'm going to go to your kitchen and steal your cookies. SO YOU BETTER LIKE IT! okay bye bye :D

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