8. More Damn Problems

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DISCLAIMER: Yuuuuppp still dont own Harry Potty..by the way who do you think is hotter DRACO MALFOY!!!! Or Harry Potty? CHOOSE AND LET ME KNOW!!!

Sorry for the swearing in the chapter title but I thought it would be affective hehe. Also if you don't understand anything about what is being said, I'll explain it at the end.


As soon as Harry, Hermione and Draco reached the Room of Requirement and dumped the unconcious Slytherin on the couch that the room had given them, Harry asked, "Did you know about this?"

"Of course I did Harry," Hermione snapped, like it was the most idiotic question in the world. "Professor Dumbledore told me."

"Why would he tell you instead of me?" Harry asked, feeling very offended.

Hermione rolled her eyes but explained, "Professor Dumbledore asked me to research on Akharfruthi so that we can take care of Draco better. And seeing as I'm the only one at this school who actually pays attention to class and reads unlike others, he figured it would be best if I research it."

Harry was about to make a retort at the fact that he also reads but he heard a groan and then Draco shifted on the couch. "H-Harry?" He croaked, trying to lift his head but it fell back on the pillows with a sigh. Harry walked over to him and knelt down, resting his hand on his hot forehead. Draco shuddered as a wave of electricity ran through both of their bodies. Harry jerked his hand back quickly.

"Are you feeling alright?" Harry asked quietly. Draco shifted so that his face poked out from underneath the silk blankets. He peered at Harry with watery eyes, like he was ready to cry, but he just smiled instead.

Hermione came to stand beside Harry and said, "I want to cast a spell, so be still, both of you." They nodded and watched curiously as she waved her wand in the air and muttered an inaudible spell. There was a flash of light and then everything began to glow in different colors. Harry, astonished, looked blankly at a now glowing purple Hermione, who smiled at him, and then at Draco.

Confused, Harry looked down at himself and saw he was a glowing scarlett. He looked at Draco, expecting him to be green or silver which were the Slytherin colors, but to Harry's astonishment saw that Draco was the same kind of scarlett. He looked questioningly at Hermione, who grinned broadly, and said, "I knew it. I knew something was going on."

"What are you talking about?" Harry demanded.

Hermione's grin somehow managed to grow wider as she said, "You're Draco Malfoy's mate."

It took a while for poor Harry and Draco to understand Akharfruthi and their "Aura." Apparantly, if a regular wizard is single, their aura is gray. If they are dating someone, their aura is revealed. They use the spell Hermione used to see if the person are dating would match up with their aura (aura is a mystical force in your body).

But it's different with Akharfruthi. There aura is already out, as Hernione put it, so that other Akharfruthi can smell it so they can "hook up" with their matches. It was so confusing for Harry that finally Hermione snapped, "It basically means your aura is the same as Draco's and that makes you his mate. It works differently with wizards, but with Akharfruthi, if your aura is the same, you're stuck with that person for life. Understand?"

No, Harry thought, but decided to keep his mouth shut. He looked at Draco who looked just as confused. He was Draco's mate? How? Why? Harry wasn't even gay! Was he? Draco shook his head like he was having the same thoughts and said, "This doesn't make sense..."

Anger flared in Hermione's eyes and they shrank back from her like she was going to spit fire at them. "Look," she said, her face suddenly softening into worry. "You both will be in big trouble if ANYONE finds out you are Draco's mate. You-Know-Who will use Draco's family to get to Draco, and then he will use Draco to get to you if he finds out."

"Don't worry abiut us Granger," Draco grunted, getting up slowly. "I'll protect Potty." He smiled at Harry's annoyed face and put an arm around him.

Oh how Harry wished that he didn't have one more damn problem to face; which of course was Voldemort.


HEEYYYYYY YA'LL!!! I decided that my explanation above wasn't the best, so I'll be more thorough down here. FIRST OF ALL!!! How wizard auras work, because you need to know how that works before the Akharfruthi. ALSO!! I MADE THE IDEA UP MYSELF A LONG TIME AGO! THIS IS ALL MY IDEA UNLESS SOMEONE IS STALKING ME!!! (Auras are real, but I used it differently than its supposed to be). I ALSO HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT AFTER THE EXPLANATION!

So this guy is walking down the street. His aura is gray because he has no one in his life to smooch with. He meets this hot chick (or guy) and decides he wants a piece of that action. So he asks he/she out. So they are dating, fooling around, getting it on in bed, and they decide to go serious. Now that he has someone, his aura has been released. So he waves his wand and checks their aura to see if they match. Iff their auras are a different color, then its a big no no. But if they match, then they are perfect for each other.

AKHARFRUTHI AURAS ARE DIFFERENT!! Their auras come out since birth so that their mate will sense it and look for it without even realizing it. (Why do you think Harry and Draco were so obssessed with each other in the HP books? Haa kidding)

ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! It has come to my attention that a lot of people like more than just Drarry (like Harry and Snape, which is a big no no for me, Lupin and Snape, James and Sirius etc.) If anyone wants me to write stuff like that message me. I will do it! BUT!!! NO SNAPE AND HARRY!! LIKE SERIOUSLY? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?? Sorry...anyways, vote comment mesage, looove me!!!

I'll Protect You (Drarry Fanfiction AU) STATUS: COMPLETED!!!Where stories live. Discover now