12. Snape's Date 0_0

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DISCLAIMER: I want Harry Potter to be mine :'( I will give away all my cookies and Nutella for Harry Potter...GOD I'M FAT Hahahaha!

OH YEAH SNAPE'S GETTIN' IT ON OOOOH! You go Snivellus! So, I decided to try some other HP boyxboy, like Snupin, (Snape and Lupin) so you might want to check that out too...its going to be during their childhood, and its called loser. I have yet to make chapter 1 for it...

Harry rushed for a hug, squeezing the now much bigger man, and he got a bear hug that made him feel like he was going to die until they broke apart. "Remus, what are you doing here?" Harry demanded, playfully punching his arm. "Ow. Merlin what have you been doing?" He asked rubbing his now sore hand.

He shrugged, then smiled playfully as he turned to look at Snape. "Hello Ssssevvverus," he purred, taking a few steps closer so he could sit on his desk. Snape looked annoyed, but otherwise ignored him. His usual white cheeks flushed a little pink as he glowered at the werewolf, who sprawled out like he was a super model posing.

The rest of the students looked over curiously but Snape waved at them, saying in a hoarse voice, "Go back to practicing." Remus smiled at them and waved at a blushing Hermione and dumbfounded Ron.

"What do you want Lupin?" Snape huffed, trying to push the smaller but still stronger man off his desk.

Remus laughed, wrapping an arm around Snape's neck. With one swift motion that only Harry could see, he leaned down and pecked the tall man on the lips. Snape scowled, eyeing the werewolf who was giggling like he had just heard the funniest joke in the world, and Harry sat there with his mouth hanging open.

Snape shoved Remus away, and pushed Harry's chin up with his finger, closing his mouth. "Don't you dare say a word," he growled at him, and Harry nodded wordlessly.

"But," he suddenly murmured, feeling confused. "Tonks...and...that's Snape," he said stupidly, looking at an amused Snape. Remus chuckled and patted his arm.

"Me and Sev have been talking and I think he's a pretty cool guy," he said, winking at Snape. "So I asked him out. He said yes after much persuasion-"

"You hung me from the ceiling using Levicorpus and used a tickling charm until I agreed," Snape grumbled, and Remus smiled.

"I don't play fair Sev, you know that by now," he said, playfully punching his shoulder.

"Ow," Snape whined, rubbing his arm. "You know that hurt like Hell right?"

Harry stared at the two. Snape seemed happy; he wasn't smiling, but Harry knew him long enough to know he was enjoying Lupin's company. Remus turned to Harry, asking, "This doesn't weird you out does it Harry?"

Harry laughed at the stupid question. "Of course it does," he chuckled, "but I don't care as long as you're happy Remus..."

Remus beamed at him, and Snape ran his fingers through his shorter hair, grumbling. Lupin looked over and grinned at Snape. "Sev stop messing with it," he scolded, batting his hand away from his hair. "It's fine."

"I can't believe you made me cut it," he grumbled, slumping in his seat and kicking at Remus' foot half-heartedly. Harry grinned. Of course Remus would make him cut it...Snape would never cut it willingly.

"I'm not going to date a greasy old rat," Remus retorted, earning another, much harder, kick from Snape. "You're lucky there are kids around, or I would jump you," he growled playfully, and Snape's white face flushed pink, making Remus grin in satisfaction.

"Remus?" Harry asked, "what about Tonks?" Nimphadora Tonks had been planning on marrying Remus, the last time he knew..

Remus' smile faded and he looked sad and bitter. "I couldn't let her go through suffering of me being a werewolf," he said sadly. "We would never have kids, and if we did, they would be outcasts. With Sev, I get to shag him all I want to, plus he has Wolfbane potions to spare for me on full moons." Snape blushed harder when Remus mentioned being shagged, but smiled a small, crooked smile that stunned Harry. What had Remus done with the real Snape? Remus pouted abruptly and said, "I just wish you would tell me how you keep getting hurt..." he pressed a hand against Snape's chest and he winced in pain.

"I suppose I will tell you, come back here at 8:00 and I'll tell you a little bit of what's going on," he told them.

Remus grinned evilly and said, "Or we can hang out for the rest of the day, and then we can come back at 7:00 and have some fun before Harry gets here..."

Harry made a face at the thought of Snape naked and writhing under Remus' body, begging for...No! Bad thoughts, Harry thought, bad! Don't think of that, what are you, their stalker? Snape smiled a little but it quickly left as fast as it came. He ignored Remus and instead narrowed his eyes at Harry, and he knew what that meant. "Voldemort," he said, and both men winced at the name. Perfect, just when things weren't getting so complicated...

It seemed Snape had agreed (or been forced), into going on a "date" with Remus. Harry spotted them chatting close by the Shrieking Shack. Harry decided to sneak over and check out what was going on, his invisibility cloak wrapped around him.

Remus looked heartbroken, and Harry was ready to Stupefy Snape, thinking he had dumped Remus, but Snape said softly, "I'm sorry I can't tell you...I shouldn't even tell you what the Dark Lord is planning, but Potter needs to know that Draco is in danger."

"I need to know if YOU'RE in danger!" Remus cried, wrapoing his arms around Snape's skinny waist. "We've been dating in secret for a year, and you can't even trust me eough to let me know who's beating you and if they will kill you..."

Harry was shocked. How could they have been dating a year? Snape stroked Remus' golden curls and said gently, "You know who is beating me. The Dark Lord. You would be stupid to not know that. But I can't tell you why, nor can I tell you on if he plans on killing me. I promise though, everything will turn out alright, I promise." Remus lifted his head and crushed his lips to Snape's backing him up into a tree.

Tears ran own his face, and he croaked beneath Snape's lips, "If you die on me I won't forgive you Snape." They nestled in the grass, and Harry decided it was time to leave before things got too out of hand.

AWWW Lupin loves Snape

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