11. Unexpected visitor

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DISCLAIMER: If you loved me you would give me the Harry Potter books for my birthday haha :P

This chapter is completely random. A naughty scene in the Great Hall...Harry Potter you man whore! Snape's condition, which will be revealed soon...and the sexy werewolf is coming back! No not Jacob Black you freaky Twilight fans, eeeew! JUST READ AND FIND OUT!

Harry and Draco were shocked that hardly anyone, besides the Gryffindors, noticed they were gone. The only other person that seemed to notice that was outside of Gryffindor was Luna Lovegood, in fact. At the Great Hall Harry was welcomed with open arms by everyone. They eyed Draco at first, then grudgingly agreed to let him sit with them.

Draco was tense and staring at the Slytherin table, who were giving him death glares. Harry snaked his hand under the table and squeezed Draco's leg reassuringly. He gave Harry a grateful look and continued eating.

Harry happened to look over at Dumbledore and saw that he was watching them carefully. They smiled at each other before Harry noticed the chair next to him was empty...Snape was gone again. Harry couldn't help but worry for the man, even though they weren't exactly the best of friends...

Suddenly Draco hissed, "Harry move your hand..." at the same time Harry felt a growing erection in the Slytherin's pants. Harry smirked. He wanted a little fun. He rubbed his groin seductively, trailing a finger up and down on his erection, making Draco whimper with need. Hermione, who was sitting next to Draco on the other side, looked over at them curiously then jerked her head back, her face hot with embarrassment as she scooched closer to Ron.

"Harry," Draco warned, but Harry had already unzipped his pants and was now twirling his finger around the head, making Draco into a pile of jello. He managed to keep his whimpers to himself, even as he came in his pants. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the warm fluid filled his boxers. Harry's smirk grew wider as he lifted his wand and used a cleaning spell to clean up the mess.

Draco gave him a death stare, but a grin was twitching at the devillish smirk on Harry's face until they broke out laughing. Hermione shook her head in disgust, and Ron looked completely confused at their red faces.

In his DADA class Snape was surprisingly already there, looking like he had been mauled by a bear. His face was as white as snow, his eyes blood shot and and his limp was worse than ever. His voice was shaky and soft, like he was so fragile. He ordered everyone to practice their shield spells, like Protego, and collapsed in his chair with a sigh. The thing that seemed to shock Harry the most was Snape's haircut. It was still pretty long, but it actually looked CLEAN. It curled around his face, making him look less of a disgusting rat. He didn't seem to like his haircut, for he kept running his hand through it, making disgruntled noises.

While everyone practiced their spells, Harry walked over to Snape, who was watching him warily. "Professor," he said quietly so that no one else could hear. "What happened to you?" He also wanted to mention the haircut, but Snape already looked like he wanted to cast the Crucio curse on him, so he said nothing about.

"It's none of your concern Potter," he told Harry, leaving all venom out of his voice, making him sound tired and defeated. Seeing the look on his face, Snape added, "Come back here at 8:00 tonight." Harry nodded, relieved that he might get answers.

The door popped open all of a sudden and a familiar figure walked in, making Harry speechless. A mop of curly golden locks covered his handsome, bold features. His scars stood out from his body and his abnormally muscular body rippled behind a tight, muggle shirt. His big brown eyes looked around before catching sight of Harry and beaming at him. "Harry," Remus Lupin, Harry's ex-professor greeted.

OH YES I DID CUT SNAPE'S HAIR! Don't like it? TOUGH! Don't worry it's not short short, it still goes to his shoulder, but I can't stand the thought of greasy hair, so I made sure that went. What do you guys think? Why is Lupin there? Hmmm you'll have to read chapter 12 to find out!!

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