19. The Talk.

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DISCLAIMER: Dont own HP blaaaah....

Sorry for being so irritated last chapter i feels really bad for it...I have anger issues, Im not joking...well anyways, enjoy chapter 19....

Harry was seething with anger in his bed all night. He tossed and turned, wrapped in his gold and red blanket, wishing sleep would come and give him peace, so he wouldn't have to think about Malfoy. Why was he even angry though? It was for the best after all. Draco was only trying to protect Harry...

Sighing, he rolled over again onto his side, and Seamus looked up from his covers, saying sleepily, "You alright there Harry?"

"Yeah," Harry replied. He sounded fake, even to his own ears. He sighed again and got up, his feet touching the cold floor. He pulled his invisibility cloak out and threw it on. He didn't know where to go, all he wanted to do was find an isolated place where he could think about what to do next.

He answer though was clear: kill Voldemort. He had to destroy him, before Draco could get hurt. Then he and Draco would be together without any problems. He walked out, ignoring the Fat Lady scream from her picture, "Who's there?"

He found himself wandering the corridors, not even knowing where he was going. He pulled off his invisibility cloak and stuffed it under his robes. He walked a little more to Merlin knows where when Snape's voice said coolly, "On a midnight stroll are you Potter?"

Harry didn't turn to look at his DADA teacher. He couldn't. Looking at him reminded him of his and Remus' relationship. Everyone, even Severus Snape, could be in a loving relationship, except him.

Suddenly a thought struck him. "Did you and Remus check your auras to see if they match?" He inquired.

"Of course Potter, we're not stupid," Snape said in a sneering voice. "Now why are you wandering in the corridors at this time of night?"

"Just thinking," Harry sighed, sliding down so that he was sitting with his back against the wall. Snape slid down next to him, which Harry thought was weird because Snape looked too old to be sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"About what?" He asked gently, hearing the angst in Harry's voice. Harry told him about his and Draco's seperation. "Well no wonder why you're up this late," he said when Harry finished. "If I lost Remus like that I would..."

"Bawl like a baby?" Harry asked helpfully.

"Very funny Potter." He paused and then chuckled. "Probably."

Harry stayed silent for a minute until he said, "You're...different."

"I know," Snape sniffed. "Remus did it." They both chortled at the thought of the small man ordering him around like a woman. "But he did change me," Snape agreed, eyeing Harry. "Just like you changed Draco." Harry cringed at the name, and Snape gave him a sympathetic look. "I guarantee that once the Dark Lord is gone, you two will be back together in no time."

"How can you be so sure about that?" Harry asked dully. What if Draco changed his mind after Voldemort was gone?

"Harry, I see the way he looks at you," Snape said, rubbing Harry's shoulder as a stray tear ran down his face. "You're his jewel, his prize. He glares at any girl trying to flirt with you, or that Weasley girl. He always clings to you, like he's afraid of losing you. He is a rebel against his own house just to protect you. He loves you, even an old prat like me can see that."

"So you admit that you're a prat?" Harry asked quietly.

"Shut it Potter."

They smiled a little at each other a moment before Snape's face became blank again. Harry rubbed his face, sighing. "You know, your civilized conversations and sneer-free looks to me are kind of creeping me out."

"Me too," he agreed, getting up and pulling Harry up with him. "But I suppose since I'm dating one of your close friends, I should be civilized to you."

Harry held out his hand to Snape, and they shook hands. "Just heed my words Potter," Snape added quietly. "Draco loves you, don't forget that." Harry nodded, and suddenly Harry was squeezing Snape around his thin stomach. Grunting, Snape said, "You're going a little too carried away there Potter."

Harry backed up, grinning from ear to ear. He felt so much better, and much more determined to get rid of Voldemort. "Thanks professor," he told him, and Snape smiled his crooked, boyishly cute smile before they parted ways, both feeling light and happy.

Just thought I would tell ya'll, but there is no such thing as the Deathly Hallows in my book, or Horcruxes. Sorry, but i dont want to write 200 hundred pages explaining what Horcruxes are and all that crap. SORRY YA'LL!!

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