20. Kidnapped.

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It was so horrible and painful for Harry for the next week. He avoided Draco, as much as Draco avoided him. Harry wanted to wrap his arms around the blond Slytherin, but he didn't want Draco to be mad at him for going near him when they were supposed to be cutting all contact between each other.

Snape's condition was much worse. He was so weak sometimes he would faint in the middle of class and Remus had to pull him out. He was just as rude to Harry as he used to be in class so that it wouldn't get Slytherins suspicious and nosy, but as soon as it was over, Snape would give him an encouraging smile, trying to bring Harry up.

He visited Ron frequently in the hospital, not really chatting. He and Hermione bought him sweets every day and sat next to the ginger silently. Ron would comment on a few things but otherwise kept silent too, which was alright between the three friends.

Christmas was already rolling around, but he didn't feel jolly or as chipper as the decorations that hung in Gryffindor Tower or the eight foot tall christmas tree with bright lights and a two foot tall angel sitting on top of it in the Great Hall. On the contrary, Harry felt horrible. All he wanted to do was crawl back in Draco's arms, but he told himself to be strong for both of their sake.

Draco was back to being jumpy, with bruises all over his body and cuts all over his face. He seemed to get thinner and thinner and refused to eat in the Great Hall. Of course, Harry wouldn't be able to do so either, not if his own house was giving him death glares. Sometimes they would make eye contact and Draco would look away quickly, quivering as though he was afraid of Harry.

"So what happened between you and Malfoy?" Ron asked, stuffing a chocolate frog in his mouth before it could hop away. Harry looked away and Hermione hissed at the ginger, giving him her all-famous death glare.

"Don't talk about him," she warned, giving Harry a sympathetic look that made Harry grit his teeth. He didn't want pity, much less from his best friends.

"Why, did that prat dump you?" Ron said angrily, sitting up quickly and studying Harry's pained face. "He did didn't he? That slimy git!"

"No Ron he didn't dump me. He wanted us seperated until it's safe for us to be together again," Harry explained wearily, resting his head against the wall and staring up at the ceiling. Ron made a snorting noise and Harry rolled his head over to look at his outraged friend.

"That's the same thing Harry," he snapped. "I don't care if he did it to protect you, that slimy ferret is dead!"

Harry didn't bother answering. He wanted to stop thinking about Draco for the moment. So instead he looked at Hermione and asked, "Are you coming to the Burrow for Christmas?" She thought about it for a moment and shook her head.

"No, I'll stay here and work on my homework." Harry rolled his eyes and she smiled. "Just because you don't do anything doesn't mean I have to follow in your footsteps..."

Harry looked over at Ron's pale face and said, "If Ron doesn't get any better I'll probably stay too and give him company."

"Plus it's too dangerous," Hermione pointed out, and Harry rolled his eyes again before standing up and stretching.

"I should leave you two alone, I'm going to the common room to think about some...things."

"Like Malfoy?" Ron guessed. Harry winced again and Hermione smacked him lightly on the arm.

"Ronald," she said sternly, but Harry didn't get to hear the rest because he was already out the door and heading back to Gryffindor Tower.

******Christmas morning.

It happened on Christmas, of all days. It started out normal. Harry pretended to be happy as he opened his presents beside Ron's bed, but he couldn't even fool himself as he opened a box containing his maroon Weasley shirt. He slipped it on, finding it's warmth comforting but still not enough. He opened another containing some of Hagrid's treacles, which Harry bit into one despite the hard texture that clamped his teeth together.

He got a book called, "Legends of the Akharfruthi" that Harry knew was for how to take care of Draco. The thought stung his chest a little but he ignored it.

A few minutes later, after chatting about random things to Hermione and Ron, Harry heard the door burst open and looked up.

Snape was a pile of broken bones and blood. He was carried into the room by Remus, who looked like he was going to cry. "Stay with me Sev," he was whispering, cradling the bloody pile of bones tenderly. He placed him gently on the bed next to Ron's whispering his name over and over again.

"What happened?" Harry demanded.

"God Harry it's all my fault...Bellatrix and Lucius came to Hogsmeade and grabbed Draco...and took off with him. Sev apparated with them and tried to get them but..." Remus swallowed hard and continued, "I did nothing, just stood there for five minutes before Sev appeared looking like this...Harry I'm sorry..."

Harry wasn't listening anymore. All he could think about was Draco, and how much he meant to him. Pain and anger surged through his heart at the thought of Bellatrix...he got up, ignoring everyone round him and headed for Gryffindor Tower, determined to find Draco.

He grabbed his invisibility cloak and his wand, and turned to walk out, not really knowing where to go but not really caring, and saw Hermione and Ron stand here, a determined look on their face. "You guys aren't going to stop me," Harry said wearily.

"Who said we wanted to stop you mate?" Ron asked, grinning at his smaller friend. "We're coming with you."

Harry smiled a little, but went away when Hermione said, "Any idea where to go though?" Harry frowned thinking...

If he found out where he lived...even if nobody was home when they got there, at least he could try and find out where Voldemort was hiding..."Time to see where the Malfoy's live," he finally said.

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