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The five remaining people couldn't get back to the drop ship fast enough. After watching a spear lodge into Jasper's chest, the fear of being next was in all of them. The idea that they weren't alone, and they were being hunted, terrified them all.

As they entered the landing site, the first thing they saw was Wells holding a knife against John Murphy's throat. Clarke ran towards them to stop the scene.

Lyra sighed. They had only been gone a full day and the camp had already went to shit.

Bellamy rushed to his injured sister immediately. "Octavia, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Where's the food?" Bellamy asked. He looked at Lyra, who was leaning against Monty for support. "What happened to you?"

Lyra shifted her weight onto her other leg. "We didn't make it. Jasper got attacked by a spear."

"Attacked? By what?" Wells questioned as he made it to the side of Clarke.

Clarke and Finn rambled to the crowd about how they weren't the only people on the ground. People survived the nuclear apocalypse, and they're aggressive.

This was the home of the Grounders, and the 100 delinquents were invaders. They were willing to kill.

Clarke looked down at the bare wrist of Wells. No wristband.

"Where is your wristband?" She asked.

Wells motioned towards Murphy. "Ask him."

Her eyes shifted to Murphy, who had a devilish grin on his lips. "How many?"

"24 and counting." He was proud. Oh how Lyra wished she could punch that stupid grin off of his face.

"You are all idiots. The Ark needs to know it is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off those wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us."

"We are stronger than you think. Don't listen to her!" Bellamy shouted, looking around at the crowd of teens. "She's one of the privileged. That wristband makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore!"

"Bellamy, stop this," Lyra growled lowly. Her hands wrapped around his wrist, only for him to snatch himself away from her grip.

"You are not a criminal here, Granger," He hissed at the girl.

He turned his attention back to the crowd that was eager to hear more, "I say you are not criminals! You are fighters, survivors! The Grounders should be worried about us!"

The delinquents were moved by his speech, showing their appreciation by cheering on their new leader.
The girl couldn't believe it unfolding before her — they had chosen their new leader.

And it was not a wise choice.

"What do we do now?" Monty asked, looking between the members of their small group.

"Now we go after Jasper," Clarke stated. "I'm going to go inside the drop ship and look for supplies to take with us."

She briskly walked to the entrance of the drop ship, disappearing behind the cloth curtain. Wells and Finn followed after her.

Lyra mentally scoffed. Her friend had only been here a full day and she already had two men at her hands and feet.

Monty helped Lyra sit on the log next to Octavia. Bending on his knees, he asked her, "I'm going to go help them. Are you going to be okay here?"

"I will. Thanks Monty," She nodded, giving him a smile.

He gave her a small smile in return and walked to the drop ship without a word. She didn't blame him, though. He just watched his best friend get impaled, left for dead.

Heart Strings. [Bellamy Blake]Where stories live. Discover now