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The previous events of yesterday replayed in Lyra's head as she woke up from her deep slumber. Yesterday was so chaotic that it almost seemed like a dream. A kid murdered Wells Jaha, members of the camp strung up Murphy to execute him, Murphy attacked Bellamy. Sadly, those events seemed like they could be normal around the camp.

The most surreal event was one she couldn't wrap her head around. She kissed Bellamy Blake.

Lyra stepped down the ladder of the drop ship that connected the first floor to the second floor. As usual, the only person in the drop ship at this time was Monty Green.

The dark chocolate eyes of Monty laid on the medic and gave her a small grin. "Good morning sleepyhead."

"Hey, Monty," Lyra replied, rubbing her tired eyes. Walking up to his station, she asked, "Are you still working on communications?"

The boy nodded after returning his focus back to the wristband he was working on. For days, he had been working relentlessly on finding a way for them to communicate with the Ark. To give them some sort of signal that Earth was survivable again.

Lyra bit her lip and debated on offering up her own vitals wristband. Clarke had already given hers to him, but it was revenge against her mother for her father's death. Abby must be broken seeing her daughter's vitals plummet to zero due to the absence of her vitals.

If Lyra took hers off, it would destroy the last bit of hope that Abby Griffin had left. Not to mention it would signal to her that Earth really wasn't survivable; Abby knew that Lyra wouldn't take it off willingly unless she was dead. But they needed to communicate with the Ark.

She let out a sigh. "If you need another one, you can have mine. We need this to work."

Monty turned his head to give her a quick smile. "I'm so close to figuring it out. I promise."

"You've got this, Monty," Lyra stated, ruffling his fluffy black hair. "I'm probably going to go search the woods for medicinal plants or the seaweed that helped Jasper."

Monty nodded before fixating on the fried wristband before him. The man was focused, and it was best for her to leave him be. They needed to communicate with the Ark. Lyra grabbed her backpack full of supplies before walking out.

Walking out of the drop ship, delinquents were bustling around the camp trying to finish the wall. It was strange not seeing Murphy outside bossing others around on Bellamy's orders. Despite her dislike for him, she didn't believe that his banishment was the right punishment.

Lyra took in a deep breath and started walking to the gate of the camp. There was a desperate need inside of her to do something productive for the camp, and medicine was necessary for their home to survive.

"Lyra! Hey, wait a sec!" A deep voice bellowed, stopping her in her tracks in front of the gate.

Turning towards the voice, her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. His dark, loose curls bounced as he jogged towards her with a serious expression on his face.

"Where are you going?" Bellamy asked wearily with his eyebrows wrinkled together. He crossed his arms over his chest as he tilted his head slightly to the side.

With her hands gripping the straps on her backpack, her eyes searched him up and down. Even when he was serious he was attractive. After their shared kiss, it seemed that being in one's presence was enough to make it awkward. She didn't want it to be this way at all.

"I'm going to search the woods for medicinal plants," Lyra replied, her eyes returning back to his.

"It's not safe to go by yourself, Granger."

Heart Strings. [Bellamy Blake]Where stories live. Discover now