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Distant shouting caused Lyra's eyes to flutter open, much to her dismay. As she sat up, she looked at her surroundings, confused at where she was at.

The recent memory of her encounter with Bellamy Blake flooded through her brain, making her remember his offer. She had fallen asleep in Bellamy Blake's tent.

She stood up within the tent and popped her head out, seeing everyone rushing to the drop ship. It was oddly dark outside for it just being the evening time, almost like an overcast. Stepping out of the tent, Lyra looked up at the sky, her eyes widening.

There was a giant yellow storm cloud coming towards the campsite, causing all of them to panic. Like the others, Lyra ran to the entrance of the drop ship.

"Everyone inside the drop ship! NOW!" She screamed, waiting inside the entrance.

As the remaining delinquents rushed in, she noticed some of them had a coughing fit and blistering lesions on their skin. Murphy closed the doors to the drop ship, preventing any of the storm from coming through.

"What's going on?" Monty questioned as he walked up, planting himself next to Lyra.

"The air got thick in the presence of a storm cloud," A male delinquent answered. "Everybody's skin started to burn."

Monty and Lyra exchanged questioning looks with one another. It sounded absurd — a storm cloud that makes you burn. Then it clicked.

"Acid!" Both of them said in unison, causing their eyes to widen. Even the elements weren't kind. Was there ever going to be any bright side to this planet?

"My brother is out there!" Octavia cried, her eyebrows stitched together in worry.

Lyra frowned at the girl worried for her brother's safety. Not only were Bellamy and his hunting party out there during the acidic overcast, but so were Clarke, Finn, and Wells.

Looking around her, she noticed several people were hissing at the painful blisters forming on their skin. There needed to be a plan in place for situations like this. Without Clarke and Bellamy here, somebody had to be the temporary leader.

"Okay, everyone! Listen up!" Lyra's voice echoed throughout the drop ship, gaining everyone's attention.

"Any of those suffering from burns on their skin, meet me towards the back of the drop ship. Those that are not suffering from burns, please be patient and wait the storm out."

The crowd began to shuffle in different directions as Lyra walked towards the back of the first level, being followed by those that felt the effects. Not many of their people suffered from burns, but enough to keep Lyra occupied.

One by one, it was the same routine: examine the lesions, flush with water, and apply antibiotic ointment.

While they waited out the acidic fog, most of them used their time to get some sleep. Lyra didn't blame them one bit. They needed to pass the time.

However, their slumbers were short-lived when Jasper began to moan in pain, causing them to start complaining. Lyra was examining the last burn victim, and declared that once she was done, she would go check on Jasper.

While she was applying the ointment to her last patient, she noticed Murphy sit up from his sleeping position looking disheveled.

"That's it. I'm ending this," Murphy mumbled.

Lyra eyed the man that spoke, watching him argue with a fellow follower of Bellamy. While the other kid reminded him of Bellamy's terms concerning Jasper, it seemed like Murphy couldn't care less.

As Murphy stood up and started striding towards the ladder, Monty beat him to it. The fluffy-haired boy ran up the ladder, shouting, "Murphy's going to kill Jasper!"

Heart Strings. [Bellamy Blake]Where stories live. Discover now