- T W E N T Y - T W O. -

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After Clarke broke the news to her about the Exodus ship crashing, a river of numbness washed over Lyra's body. She refused to take a look around at the crash site with her and stayed back at camp, trying to crack the joke that she was the babysitter of the group and needed to stay behind just in case they ate another hallucinogenic. It was just a ply for Clarke to leave her be.

While the others were searching the crash site, Lyra kept herself cooped up in the second level of the dropship. The faces of her mentor and her aunt constantly appeared in her mind. The only family she had left... gone. She had a few dreams over the past few days about reuniting with them and the catfights that would happen between Abby and Dayna, but it all came crashing down. Quite literally.

It was hard to wrap her head around the fact that the two women who took care of her in different ways were no longer here. Their memories were haunting her - one memory appearing as soon as the previous one ended. Each one made her heart sink further and further down into the pit of her stomach.

She would no longer be working side by side with Abby, expanding her knowledge or receiving her motherly advice. She would no longer hear Dayna's 'words of wisdom', which mostly translated to "let go and have fun." No more stories and memories of her parents, which were kept alive by Dayna herself.

Without her parents, Dayna, and Abby, the feeling of loneliness truly began to sink in. This feeling of loneliness was familiar, one she hadn't felt since her father died and was taken into Dayna's custody. Now, she had no one left. Sure, she had Clarke, but their relationship was obviously strained with their differences in morals and duties to the camp.

"LYRA! Get down here!"

The shouts of Octavia snapped her out of her horrid daydreams of the past and now the present, bringing her back to reality The girl sighed before exiting the second level through the dropship hatch and climbing down the ladder. There was a crowd gathered with people whispering to one another as their faces showed both shock and fear.

Lyra pushed herself through the crowd, trying to get to the center that had Octavia and whatever reason she needed to be down there all of a sudden. "What is all the commotion-"

The sight of John Murphy stopped her in her tracks and silenced her immediately. Her jaw fell open at his appearance - bloodied, beaten, and dirty. His clothes were ragged with some pieces of the cloth torn, but mostly stained with blood and dirt. His blood.


She kneeled down in front of him, examining his body and wounds as she took in the sight of him. One of his eyes was swollen shut with cuts above it, leaving only one good eye to see with. His fingers were bloodied and missing fingernails, like someone had ripped them off. Multiple slashes were on his arms, showing his ripped and raw skin.

He looked absolutely terrible.

As much as she disliked Murphy... he needed to be taken care of. It was her duty as a medic to help any of them in need.

"Bring me a bucket of water and a cloth, please," She spoke, taking a deep breath as her eyes remained on Murphy.

Within minutes, one of the delinquents had brought her the items she asked for. Taking cloth soaked in water, Lyra began to wipe some of the blood from Murphy's face. The cold water on his cuts caused him to hiss. His eyes were shut as she tended to him, tightening every so often as he winced slightly.

"Sorry, Murphy..." She mumbled while continuing to wipe the blood off his dirtied skin. "Just trying to clean all these wounds up. What happened to you?"

Not once did he utter a word to the girl. Maybe it was because he was ashamed, or maybe it was because there was nothing he could say in the moment. She was being kind to him, treating his wounds even after all he had done. She was one of the people he least expected to be kind to him.

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