- S E V E N. -

978 19 12

"Do you think these would be nice?" Clarke asked, holding up a flower with lavender-colored petals and a dark purple center.

Lyra smiled at the beautiful flower and nodded. It would do just fine. "I think Wells would like that."

Clarke picked a small batch of the lavender-colored flowers and the two walked back to the camp.

When they arrived at the campsite, the two friends went to the gravesite where they buried their dead. Clarke kneeled down on her knees and placed the bunch of flowers on top of the grave of Wells Jaha.

Early that morning, a female delinquent had found the body of Wells right outside the walls of the campgrounds. He was missing two fingers and had a stab wound to his carotid artery, bleeding out in minutes. Lyra could tell the death of Wells Jaha didn't affect many of their people, being the chancellor's son and all.

But it affected Clarke.

"He let me hate him... just so I wouldn't hate my mom," Clarke whispered, her voice cracking from her hoarse throat. "I was so hateful to him, and he took it all."

Lyra placed her hand on the shoulder of Clarke, giving her a slight squeeze of comfort. To let her know she wasn't alone.

"Clarke, I'm sure he knew how much you cherished your friendship with him. He knew if he didn't take the fall for your mom, you two would be the same."

Silence fell amongst the two girls who mourned the death of a friend — of a comrade. When Lyra woke early that morning, she had climbed down the ladder after hearing the crying of her blonde friend. Although she wasn't close with Wells as much as Clarke was, a gasp escaped her lips upon hearing the news.

And there those two girls stood, silently mourning a good guy that had fallen due to the aggressive nature of Grounders.

"Hey Lyra, could you give us a moment?"

Lyra turned towards the voice that had startled her — Finn Collins. He was leaning against a tree with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket.

Her chocolate brown locks bounced as she nodded, giving the boy a tight-lipped smile. The camp was bustling with movement as she walked through it. While others were bringing in water they had found so it could be filtered, most of the kids were helping build the wall surrounding the camp. The wall that was meant to keep them safe from the Grounders.

The girl made a break for the entrance of the drop ship, walking past Bellamy who was helping the young kid that had nightmares often, named Charlotte. She was struggling with a log twice her size.

Out from the drop ship walked Octavia and Jasper, who looked like he was about to piss his pants from just being outside. Lyra couldn't blame him though.

A Grounder plunged a giant spear through his chest in an attempt to kill him,which almost was successful.

"Hey, Jasper!" Lyra greeted, smiling at the sight of seeing him up and moving. "Going for a walk?"

It wasn't hard to see the look of pure fear and anxiety in his eyes as they darted around the camp, not speaking one word. It had been a full week since he was nearly killed by a Grounder, and Octavia had been trying to get him to walk since he got better.

"Yeah," Octavia laughed nervously, holding Jasper's hand as they walked slowly. "He can't be cooped up in the metal dome forever, right?"

"Just take it easy and be careful, okay?"

The two kids nodded as they took short and small strides around the camp.

Lyra looked to her left of the campsite, seeing the dark waves of hair sticking against his forehead from the sweat beads walking towards her. He positioned himself to the left side of her, both of them observing the tasks at hand being carried out.

Heart Strings. [Bellamy Blake]Where stories live. Discover now