- E I G H T E E N. -

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It had been three days since the storm had passed, leaving the campsite a wreck. The walls that barricaded them for protection was blown down or whisked away by the heavy winds. Many of the delinquents spent the following days scrounging up the metal barriers and putting their walls up and together again.

Not only were the campers scrambling to put their barrier back up, but the cool breeze of the winds stayed. Lyra enjoyed the cool air after spending two weeks in the humidity and heat. For once, she was actually enjoying her time on Earth with the weather change and being back at the campsite. More so, she was enjoying the fact that she was safe back at camp.

"Hey, Lyra! You're up next."

Shaking her head slightly out of her thoughts, her head snapped to the direction of the feminine voice. Clarke stood at the entrance of the dropship with a smile. Excitement filled Lyra at the mention of her position, causing her to rush inside to hunk of metal.

The brunette sat down at the homemade station that held a screen and a set of bulky headphones with an attached microphone. Placing the headphones over her ears, a person on the screen sat down and mirrored her. At the sight of the familiar person from the Ark, her lips curled into a large grin that showed off her straightened teeth.

"Hi there, Auntie Dayna," Lyra greeted. Her leg began to bounce from trying to contain her nerves.

"Lyra..." Her aunt spoke in awe upon seeing her best friend's child. Alive, at that. "Even after two weeks of being on Earth, you look more and more like your mother every day."

Those kind words caused Lyra's chest to fill with a fluttering sensation. From what she could remember about her mother, and in pictures, she had features of a goddess. Though her mom's hair was a dirty blonde, Lyra inherited its curly nature and her bright blue eyes. She had dreamed of becoming as beautiful as her mother was ever since she was a child.

"I've missed you, Auntie," Her tone had lowered a couple of notches to where it was almost a whisper. Sadness was laced in every word.

The image of her aunt wasn't crystal clear due to the signal issues, but she didn't need to see tears to know her aunt was tearing up. The sounds of sniffling gave it away.

"I've missed you more, my dear. You have no idea how worried I've been once I found out Abby snuck you onto that dropship."

Her body twitched in the form of a small flinch at the venom in her aunt's tone; it was clear she was not happy with Abby Griffin. It wasn't a surprise though. When Lyra began to spend more time with Abby as her apprentice, her aunt wasn't subtle in hiding her jealousy or dismay.

"It's okay..." She offered her aunt a comforting smile. Even her voice softened to soothe the heated woman. "Swear. I'm okay."

She could hear the woman in space let out a sigh of frustration, but thankfully she dropped the subject. Dread filled her body every time Abby or Dayna made a comment to her about one another. Nothing made her feel worse than her two guardians being at war with one another.

The two conversed for the following ten minutes, stopping to give others a chance to talk to their parents. Though they talked for a full fifteen minutes, it sadly seemed like they had only talked for mere seconds.

As Lyra walked out of the communications tent, her cheeks began to burn and sting. She raised a finger up to one of her cheeks. There was a watery liquid running from her eyes down her cheeks.

Clarke was standing outside of the communications tent, waiting for Lyra to ask who the next person would be. Upon seeing her walk out, she asked, "Who's next?"

Heart Strings. [Bellamy Blake]Where stories live. Discover now