- T W E L V E. -

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The sun had finally arose in the sky upon their arrival to the landing of the metal object. It was a decent sized metal pod. But no sign of Bellamy. It seemed the rain didn't stop him.

Clarke rushed to the doors of the pod and opened it. Out from the pod steps a woman around their age with a bloodied gash at her hairline. The woman had an olive complexion with dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"I dreamed it would smell like this!" The woman chirped as she twirled around with a grin. "Is this rain?"

Clarke nodded with a smile. "Welcome home."

"Did you happen to see someone-" Lyra was quickly interrupted by the voice of Finn, shouting the name 'Raven'.

The excited girl turns towards the voice and her face immediately lights up with glee and a wide grin stretched from one side of her face to the other. Lyra had never seen someone so excited to see another person before like Raven was when her eyes landed on Finn. Running towards him, she envelopes Finn in her arms. They knew each other.

The two shared a deep kiss, shocking both Lyra and Clarke. They knew each other quite well. A pang of heartache rang through Lyra as she looked at Clarke, who was obviously conflicted. The boy she had feelings for already had a lover.

Raven began to stumble, most likely do to her head injury she suffered upon landing. Lyra examined the girl's pupillary response, noticing her pupils were a little slow to move.

Walking back to Clarke, she handed her the entire medical backpack. "I believe she has a concussion from the rough landing. This bag has gauze and an icepack for her head laceration."

"Wait, where are you going?" Clarke questioned with her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"To find Bellamy," Lyra replied. Her legs took quick strides out of the small clearing into the thicket of the woods.

She felt terrible for leaving Clarke in that awkward situation. Her lover who had his own secret lover. But they needed to find Bellamy and she was going to be the one to find him.

Quickly walking through the woods was no easy task.  She had nearly tripped on multiple roots that lined the forest floor. As much as she hated to admit it, Bellamy was right. The woods during the day was already a difficult trip. The woods at night would be even worse.

Plenty of rain drops had fallen on her face and wetting her dark hair. Pieces of her strands had started to stick against her forehead and her cheeks. As she hiked through the woods, she caught the sight of a black jacket from the corner of her left eye. Focusing on the wearer, she immediately recognized the man with dark curly locks.

"Bellamy!" Lyra called out to him. Nonetheless, he continued walking as if he didn't hear her.

She let out a low grumble as she attempted to catch up to him. Closing in on him, she noticed there was no radio in his hand. Maybe he didn't reach Raven after all. Grabbing the sleeve of his black jacket, she got him to halt in his tracks.

He knew the girl who had called for him; he would recognize her voice anywhere. He was surprised that she was here in the woods after his comment from hours ago.

"Hey," Lyra frowned, noticing he refused to meet her eyes. "Did you not hear me calling for you?"

"It's dangerous for you to be out here alone, Granger," He muttered, staring down at his boots.

Her eyebrows furrowed together at his hostile demeanor. "I'm not alone. I came with Clarke and Finn."

Those names caught his attention. His eyes flickered to meet hers, and she saw worry and dread filling his dark eyes. "Clarke and Finn are here with you?"

Heart Strings. [Bellamy Blake]Where stories live. Discover now