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As six used the gunpowder from the ammunition in his gun for a grenade I worked on the water. He handed me a wrench and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why do you- never mind" I hit the pipe until the end broke off, spraying water.

It began to fill up and we were now floating closer to the top. I reached down into my boot and pulled out my blade. Six raised his eyebrows. 

I helped him put the bomb in place.

We got up top and he began unwrapping the string of the bomb he had made. I could tell he'd been in prison.

They're here. I could see the lights from their guns. He grabbed my hand and we swam down to the bottom.

I held up a 3, 2, 1. The bomb went off, I could hear the distant shouts of men as it did. We quickly swam back up to the top and climbed out.

I panted as Six reached for my hand and helped me up.

"I go left" I sighed, I turned and kicked a man, quickly grabbing his gun before he fell into the hole. I could hear Six on the other side, fighting. I say we make a great team.

I took on about two more men before another showed up, another with a familiar face.

"Miss me, sweetheart?" he questioned. I gulped and glared at him, elbowing a man that was coming up behind me. He swung at me but I ducked under his arm, I grabbed it and forced him to the ground. I tried to use his gun to shoot him but he emptied his clip.

I let out a huff and pistol-whipped him before turning back to Lloyd.

"Why the long face? Have I upset you?" he teased. I grunted as I went at him with my blade. Lloyd was a very well-trained man. And a very crazy one.

We went back and forth, neither of us landing hits until he pushed me back towards the hole. He wrapped his large hand around my neck and moved me closer to the hole.

I gasped for air, clawing at his hand. He turned as he heard footsteps. He let out a sigh and let me go. I attempted to catch my balance but it was no use.

I screamed as I fell backward. But before I could plummet to my death, someone caught my hand. I looked up to see Six. My eyes widened as he pulled me up.

"Six move!"

Lloyd punched him in the face, backing him into a wall. He held a gun to his head.

"Hey, sunshine" Lloyd chuckled.

"You must be Lloyd" Six grunted. Sending me a look. I furrowed my eyebrows. The grenade.

I looked back and moved closer to the window.

"What gave it away?" Lloyd asked.

"The white pants, the trash 'stache. It just... It leans Lloyd" Six shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Where's the drive?" Lloyd asked, pressing the gun further into his face.

"I got it here somewhere. It's just hard to see" Six shrugged.

"I'll cut all her pretty little fingers off and then search her for the drive" Lloyd threatened. Six quickly cleared his throat and dangled something in his hand. I couldn't see it, but I assumed it was go time.

I heard a click and quickly began elbowing the window.

"Ballsy" Lloyd panted, as soon as I got the glass broken he tackled me out of the window.

I'm sure I've broken a rib by now. Maybe two. I shakily sat up, holding my stomach.

My eyes widened when I didn't see Six. Surely he got out right?

I saw Lloyd run off and quickly followed after him. As I came up behind him I noticed he had pulled a gun.

I turned around to see a beautiful woman. She had short hair and I could already tell she was a badass. She held a finger over her lips and I nodded. I'm not sure if Six could see us through the smoke.

"Nice try, pumpkin" Lloyd smirked.

"What size shoe are you?" Six asked

"Why? You want my foot in your ass?" Lloyd asked. I grimaced and the woman pulled the trigger, he got tranquilized in the ass.

"Ah, shit!" he yelped, quickly pulling it out. He dropped his gun "motherfu-" he tumbled down the stairs.

"Nice shot" I panted, staring at the lady. She nodded and we made our way down the stairs.

"Looks like an 11" I shrugged, looking at Lloyds feet.

"Who's this lunatic?" the woman asked, picking up his gun.

"I don't know. Lloyd" Six answered.

"Lloyd Hansen. Professional sociopath" I huffed.

"Let's go," the woman said, still holding her gun up.

"I think we're good" Six declined. She held up the gun she had just taken from Lloyd now.

"Let's go" she reiterated firmly. We both held our hands up.

"It sounded like a question" he defended. She zip-tied our hands and we followed her to the car. Six had taken Lloyds shoes.

"Who is she?" I asked quietly, she walked behind us with guns trained on us.

"Miranda, she works with the CIA" he answered.

"Can we trust her?" I questioned. He raised his eyebrows and looked forward.

"Dick" I mumbled.

"How'd you find me?" Six asked her as he went to the passenger seat.

"You make a lot of noise" she sighed "Hey! Open it" she motioned to the trunk.

"I don't think it'd be very comfortable with both of us back there" he sighed, walking around to the trunk.

"Open it. And she's not getting in the trunk" she said. I furrowed my eyebrows. She motioned to the backseat.

"Not the trunk" Six groaned as he opened it.

"Get in" she ordered. This woman was clearly on a mission. What it is? No idea.

"I could really use a comfortable chair right now" she shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer dart. He groaned and let out a deep chuckle as he lazily moved to get in the trunk. She pushed him backward and moved his legs so she could shut it.

"Backseat," she said to me. I sighed and climbed into the backseat. She got in the driver's seat and we pulled off.

"You do know I can get out of these right?" I asked, she looked at me through the rearview mirror "the zip ties. I've been tied up more than once"

"Bullshit" she stated. I quirked a brow and looked down at my hands.

She kept glancing back at me as she drove. I finally freed my hands, using a method I learned a very long time ago. I sighed and threw the now broken zip tie into the passenger seat.


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