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I turned around to leave the maze, already deeply regretting it. Six sent me a wink and I sighed.

"Kick his ass"

As soon as I left him I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. Something telling me I shouldn't leave him.

It took me a couple of minutes to fully navigate my way through the maze. When I came out I was immediately met with a gun in my face.

"Give me a break" I groaned, kicking the man in his groin before tossing the gun aside. I punched him in the face and smirked when I saw Miranda coming.

I spun him around and Miranda delivered the final, crucial punch.

Claire came running over to me and I let out a breath of relief.

"Where is Six?" Claire asked worriedly. I sighed and looked back at the maze.

"He's-" I paused, doubling over as I coughed "he's okay. He's um... He's kicking ass"

Miranda smirked "I'm glad we became friends, Scarlett"

"I am too" I sighed we both knew how all of this was going to end "I assaulted and killed lord knows how many cops. Hell, I helped destroy Prague. This doesn't end well for me"

"But maybe I can help you out with that. Your dad is Donald Fitzroy... Where is Fitz?" she questioned. I bit my lip and squeezed Claire's hand. I lost Margaret and my father on the same day.

"He's resting somewhere on a beach with two hot chicks and a martini" I smiled. Claire managed to let out a chuckle, I wish I could give her a better life. I wish I could be better for her.

"Hey, go sit for a minute?" Miranda asked Claire, pointing to a bench. Claire reluctantly nodded and went to sit down.

"Let me pay"

I furrowed my eyebrows "pay for what?"

"Your treatment, whatever it takes" she shrugged. I shook my head

"I can afford it. It's been 7 years and I've been fine. Whenever my time comes it'll come. But it's not right now" I stated, happy that I could be here with the people I love, even under these very harsh circumstances. The day extracted a heavy toll.

The woman I knew as Suzanne stormed past me and walked into the maze, holding a gun.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. She kept walking and I sent Miranda a look.

"Stay with Claire!" I yelled before running into the maze, I'm terrible at mazes and this just makes my head hurt. I growled in frustration when I came around the same corner.

A gunshot went off and my heart sank.

"Six!" I screamed. I can't lose him. I've lost so many people I just can't lose him. I gulped as I burst into a sprint, finally seeing the opening to the middle of the maze.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜 | 𝚂𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊 𝚂𝚒𝚡Where stories live. Discover now