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We went at him at the same time. Delivering kicks and punches, the guy was good that's no secret.

He wrapped his arm around my neck and slammed me down on the ground, knocking the wind out of me. I coughed and gasped for air as I rolled over before I could get stepped on.

I watched with fuzzy vision as Six and the man went back and forth, pondering on whether or not I was strong enough.

I jumped in, throwing my fist at him but he grabbed my wrist, twisting it before kicking me in the stomach.

He got the upper hand on Six so I went at him again, successfully landing a punch. I swung again only for him to duck. I used his back and flipped over him, kicking him in the groin. He turned around and threw me backward.

I crashed onto a medical cart before falling harshly onto the floor. I groaned as I rolled over, feeling all the pain I had endured in only a day. I heard a metal clanging on the ground. It was the necklace with the drive in it.

Six groaned as the man plunged a pair of scissors into his side.

I crawled forwards, reaching for the necklace. As I finally reached it the man stepped on my hand, making me yelp. I reached my other hand over to grab a scalpel. I ran it across his hand.

He growled and jumped up, sending me flying backward with one kick.

I coughed violently as I lay on the ground. I don't know how much more of this my body can take.

Six had grabbed the AED and shocked the man with it, making him start shaking. It was quiet. My head began pounding as I stood up on shaky knees.

The man grabbed the cord of the AED and flipped it around, hitting Six in the face and upper cutting me within the blink of an eye.

Both me and Six were down. I watched as the man grabbed the necklace. And jumped out of the window. Six shot me a glance and quickly stood up.

"Six if you get hurt I will kill you!" I mumbled before he jumped out of the window, following the man.

I grunted as I attempted to lift myself off of the ground. I could hear people shouting outside.

Shots were fired and I sighed, jumping out the window. Right as I landed on the roof the man shot at me. I dived to the other side before the bullets could hit me.

I looked down and saw Six using a car as cover, holding a gun.

"Six! Give me the gun!" I shouted. He tossed it up, down on the ground Miranda was fighting the man but he managed to get her down too.

The man got on a motorcycle attempting to navigate his way through the crowd. I panted and ran across the roof.

I jumped off of the roof and landed on a truck ahead of the man. I jumped down off of the truck and aimed the gun, having a clear shot.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜 | 𝚂𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊 𝚂𝚒𝚡Where stories live. Discover now