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Who knew that a deranged child could aquire this type if skill? I'm sure glad that it happened though. Noah has been there for me throughout this while journey, and I feel like I need to pay him back. This was the only way; I am going to save his life.

The ogre tried to attack me, but I used my power. His hand stopped a foot away from my face. The ogre, Jacob, looked very confused. He was frozen, but that didn't stop the vampire from attacking me. It was the same vampire who had escorted me to the makeup tent, Amber. She jumped up into the air and dissolved into a bat. Amber thought that she could fool us with this little trick of hers, but she must have forgot that all of our senses had been enhanced. I could probally smell her from a mile away. I sniffed the air and she had been right above me. I looked up and she was about to dive bomb me. I concentrated and tossed her to the other side of the room without laying a finger on her.

"Oops," I exclaimed.

She gave a snicker, and sprinted at me again like she could still take me out. I repeated my earlier action except I shot her into the ceiling. She fell back down o the floor motionless.

The ogre still stood there frozen with a look of fear I his eyes. I gave him a sweet smile, and then sent him flying into the wall.

"Two more down. Just a few left to go, Noah." I told him.

He was still unconscious, but I figured that it would be good for him to rest. I barricaded the door once again but even better than before. I then just sat next to Noah, putting his head on my lap. My fingers combed through his hair, and I whispered to him, "Everything is going to be alright".

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