🔥Niragi X Reader🔥

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Well it's not smut, but it's close to it.

Warnings: Swearing, reader almost getting r@ped, mentions of rape, mentions of killing, abuse

Let me know if i missed something.

You were caught, when trying to steal the cards and Niragi wanted to have some fun with you.

Chishiya had told You, Arisu and Usagi about his plan on stealing the cards and escaping the beach. Arisu and Usagi had almost instantly agreed to help, but you weren't so sure about it.

"What if we get caught?" You asked concerned. "You know that there is a high risk, right" Chishiya looked at you unimpressed. "I know, but we will steal the cards when Aguni's talking to the beach people. There is a lower change" "Fine, whatever, i'll help, but only because i want the hell out of here." "Sure thing" Chshiya said with that smirk on his face.

You were now at the hallway, observing that if anyone comes to the direction, where Arisu is trying to find a safe box, where the cards could be.

You looked to your left and then to your right. "Ugh how long are you taking, it's getting boring" You said on the walkie talkie. "I can't find the- wait a minute." You heard Arisu say through the radio thing in your hand.

"i found it, Chishiya what's the code?" Arisu questioned.

"8022" Chishiya answered. He kinda sounded like he was proud because he knew it. "How do you know?" Arisu asked him. He explained about how he saw that Aguni looked worried and the ring was the code or something, you weren't listening.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" shit. Someone had found you. You turned around to see a couple of militants standing there. "I- you know just passing by, i'll go- HEY!" They grabbed you by your arms, so that you couldn't move. "Hey! Let me go, i didn't do anything!"

You were dragged in the big and clean Hatter's suite and you saw Arisu being surrounded by Niragi, Aguni, Chishiya and other people.

"Arisu!" you tried to get off the militants grasp, but they were stronger than you.
"Y/n!" He yelled and tried to get up, but Niragi hit him with his gun. "Arisu! You phsycotic assholes! Let me go!" you looked at Arisu and he was on the ground. He looked like he could pass out at any moment now.

"Aww, already feeling sleepy? That's not fun." Niragi said, and hit Arisu for the final time. "Take him to the room." He said then looked at me and licked his lips. "Wait, wait, where are you taking him?" you yelled at the militants beginning to take Arisu away.

And soon, they started dragging you away to somewhere. "Let me go!" you tried to wiggle away, even though you knew that you couldn't. You suddenly relaised where you were being carried. "No no no, this is bad" you thought to yourself "how do i-" you were threw on a bed.

You tried to get up, but the militants pinned you down by your wrists and ankles. "No let me go you fucking idiots!" you said frustrated but then, you heard whistling.

"Shit, shit, shit" you thought when you saw him. That same giraffe printed shirt and those piercings on his face. No, this couldn't be happening. Not right now. You should be saving Arisu. What the hell happened.

He stood up on the bed, walked a couple steps closer, and plopped down between your thights. You were scared of what he'd do to you.

You were never a big fan of talking to Niragi, hell even look at his way. Whenever he approached from somewhere, you were quick to turn around and walk the other direction. Right now, you couldn't do that. You could't just turn around and walk the other direction. You were pinned down on the bed by him, and a couple of other militants.

You were wearing a flanel, that he quickly unbuttoned fully and opened it, admiring you underneath him. You looked at him in the eyes, which was probably a bad idea. He went down on your stomach, and licked it.

You felt disgusted by that, and tried to wiggle away from the militants grasps, failing again. "I think it's not the best idea for you to move" Niragi laughed a little and licked your neck.

"I don't understand one thing, though." he said and got back up to your face and looked at you. "I don't understand, why raping, torturing and killing are all denied by the law. They are natural things."

You looked at him with disgust and tried to wiggle away from the other militants grasps. "Besides, why were knifes and guns and such made if you can't use them" He said and licked your right arm, and then the other.

He then got up to your face again and forcefully kissed you, slipping his tongue inside your mouth. You didn't like this, so you desided to fight back and you bit his tongue really harshly.

He launched backward, holding his mouth and he saw that there was blood. He looked at you angrily and hit you in the face agressively.

He hit you again and you winced in pain. It hurt badly since it was Niragi. You looked at him and saw him smirking, maybe even smiling proudly.

Niragi tried to lower down on your face to kiss you again, but he was interrupted by a bright light behind you. He turned around and got up from the bed. He stood infront of his TV. Everyone was confused

"Beach, a game arena?" He questioned.

"Game difficulty: Ten of hearts" you all saw the card on the screen.

"Ten of hearts!" one of the militants repeated.

"It finally showed." Other on of them said.

Their grips of you loosened, and you took the change to wiggle out of their grasps and ran out of the room. They tried to run after you, but the robotic woman's voice made them stop and they listened.

You got to the lobby after you were told to go there and you took a phone.

"Here we go again" you thought to yourself.


Sorry, this is bad and i tried  my best. Plz request something what i should do for next oneshot.

Words: 1060

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