Chishiya x reader

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This chapter is about Chishiya that is obsessed with you. Like really unhealthy obsessed.

This is somewhat angst and a little bit of fluff

Warnings: strong language,
Enjoy i guess😩

You were tired from today and all you wanted to do was just go to Chishiya and talk with him about today. It was comforting but sometimes kinda creepy.

You once found your shirt that has been gone for a really long time, under his bed along with your shampoo bottle you found from somewhere long ago.

You walked on the empty halls on the now somehow quiet beach. It was 3AM and most people have either went to sleep or passed out drinking alcohol.

You turned around a corner and saw Niragi. "Fuck" you thought and quickly hid behind a pillar.

"If he finds me i'm dead." you whispered to yourself.

You knew he would kill you, because two days ago you accidentally hit him in the face and now he has a black eye. You don't know how it happened, it just happened so fast.

Anyway you stayed behind the pillar but then you heard footsteps approaching you.

You started to panic and quickly hid yourself in a room behind you. Luckily it was an empty room so you didn't have to worry about that.

You heard the footsteps pass by and fade away. You sighed in relief and led yourself out of the room.

After that you happily made your way to Chishiyas room. You knocked on his door.

You waited a couple of seconds, but no one answered. You were confused. He usually opens the door.

You tried to knock again, but without an answer once again. You just decided to walk in.

You carefully opened the door to his clean room. You took a moment to get the smell of it. You have always liked the smell of Chishiyas room. It's very clean.

You observed the room to see no one in there. "Huh, okay then." You said to yourself and were about to leave.

That was until you saw something on his nightstand. You walked closer to it and saw, that there were just some papers.

You looked at them. "What in the-" You said when you saw them. There was a list of people.

You read a couple of names and relaised that he had wrote down all the peoples names that you have talked to at the beach.

You saw the name of it. "Revenge list" Was what it said at the top of the paper.

Your heart skipped a beat when you heard the door open. You quickly put the paper down and turned around to see Chishiya himself standing there.

"Hey Y/N. What are you doing in here?" He asked looking at you, then behind you at the papers, then back at you again.

"Oh nothing.  I was just leaving." You said quickly and walked over to him, trying to get past him but he grabbed your arm.

"What were you doing just now?" He asked and pulled you back to your previous place infront of the nightstand.

"I already said. Nothing" You told him again. He didn't believe you and you knew it. You could see it in his eyes.

"You know that it's not okay to lie." He said, getting a little frustrated with your denying behavior.

"I'm not lying. Besides you always lie." You tried to tell him. He moved closer to you. "You know, i made that list to protect you from anything dangerous." Chishiya said and looked at you in the eyes.

"What? What list are you talking abou-" "You know exactly what list i'm talking about." He raised his voice a little at you. He doesn't usually do that.

You looked at him a bit terrified. He was squeezing your arm a little bit too hard.

"Chishiya, It hurts. Can you let go?" You looked at his hand gripping your arm.

"I just want you to know that i care about you so much and i don't want you to go away." He explained with crazy eyes.

Or they were the same eyes as always, but they had something crazy in them.

You tried to pull your hand out of his grip and you actually did it.

He didn't look so happy with this behavior. You ran past him to the door, but he caught you and pulled you by your hair.

You let out a whine of pain. He threw you on the bed and stood next to you.

You didn't even try to move now. "Please don't try to leave me again." He said sounding so innocent.

You stayed quiet when he laid next to you on the bed.

Chishiya threw his hand over your torso and came closer to you.

"If you're not here with me in the morning.." Chishiya paused for a moment.

"You're going to have to face the consequences." He told you and closed his eyes.

You also tried to sleep, but you couldn't. You laid there eyes wide open, thinking that what he would do to you if you left.

You didn't sleep at all that night, because you were too afraid.

One tiny movement and it would possibly be over for you. Well.. I guess we'll never know.

I hope you enjoyed this part. I had so much trouble trying to write this without any motivation but i managed.

See you again next chapter. Byee😍

Words: 914

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