🌼Chishiya X Reader🌼

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Y/N wanted to have fun at the party, but then gets into a fight. Chishiya takes care of him after.

Some characters in this are just random peoples names that i had to come up with.

Warnings: fighting, bad words, some words some readers might not like but they're kinda blurred out.

Reader is Male🤭


There he was at the party on the bottom floor of the hotel building, the beach. Or that was what everyone called it. Whatever the name was, he was having fun.

Y/N has always been a strong personality. Always saying the things that come to his mind. He's honest and doesn't hold back on anything.

If he doesn't like a person, he makes it very clear by telling the truth that they are annoying. He hates to meet new people, and loves hanging out with his friends.

Like right now.

He and his friends are by the pool. It's night after the deadly games, and Y/N and his friends decided to celebrate the fact that they all made it alive from their games. They have been drinking quite a lot.

Y/N's best friend, Saiko is sitting next to him. They are laughing and they're so close to each other, Saiko almost on Y/N's lap, that someone could think they're together.

One of Y/N's new freinds that he got close to at the borderlands, Aoki asked Saiko "Are you two, like you know, dating?" He asked and Saiko's face went like 😳.

"No we're not, we are best friends and i have a boyfriend" Y/N told him. Aoki looked at him surprised and confused at the same time, yet a little bit of disgust in his expression.

"You're kidding right?" Aoki said looking at Y/N. "No? Why would i?" He asked slowly, observing Aokis face carefully. "I mean, there are many beautiful girls, so why choose boys?" "Well it's not quite your business." Y/N said a little frustrated.

"Don't get angry at me now, i was just asking." Aoki said and raised his hand in the air.

"I just like boys, you got a problem with that?"

"I'm just saying my opinion on this." Aoki answered, but not to your question and then you realized that he's homophobic. "Sometimes it's better to keep your opinion to yourself" Y/N fought back.

"I can let everyone know my opinion, you can't punish me for that" Aoki said with a smirk. He knew exactly how to make Y/N angry. "Well he can't punish you, you're right. That would be animal abuse" Saiko said and Y/N smirked.

"Whatever you wh0r3" Aoki said to Saiko and got up. Y/N sat up from his chair as quick as possible and walked to Aoki. "What did you call her?" Y/N asked trying his best to look intimidating. "You heard me. She's all over you even tho you're.." Aoki stopped, not wanting to say the word. "Gay?" Y/N ended his sentence.

"You're pathetic. Can't even say a simple word." You had been fighting rather loudly and the people near you have stopped talking to each other and look at the fight, whispers could be heard from every direction but you didn't care.

"You better not talk about her like that understood?"  Y/N told Aoki trying to fight the urge to hit him staright to the face.

"Now i'm not allowed to tell the truth huh?" Aoki asked a little pissed off. That was it. That was Y/N's last stick. He clenched his fist before taking a hold of Aokis shirt's collar and hitting him directly on the nose.

Aoki cried out of pain before Y/N hit him again but Aoki hit back. Y/N didn't let this stop him and he hit Aoki so hard that he fell backwards hitting his head on of the tables, breaking it.

There were some militants there who quickly rushed over to the scene and tried to stop it.

There was also Niragi, but he didn't try to stop the fight. He was just laughing there manically and engouraged  Y/N to hit him again.

Y/N and Niragi were pretty good friends with each other which felt like an achievement or something to Y/N. And he heard Niragi say to hit Aoki again and that's exactly what he did.

In the crowd was also Y/N's very own boyfriend Chishiya. He saw that something was happening and he heard yelling and laughing. He went to look what was happening and he saw him, beating the shit out of Aoki.

Chishiyas first thought of course was if Y/N was hurt. He was caring towards him and if Y/N came back from a game a bit injured, Chishiya would immediately ask if he was okay and if he's hurt.

The militants got a hold of  Y/N and pulled him off of Aoki. He was bleeding pretty badly and Y/N just had a nose bleed, since Aoki couldn't fight back that strongly. Once Y/N left the room frustrated, he heard Chishiya call for him. "Y/N, wait!" Chishiya said, making his way towards him.

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" Chishiya asked him. "I'm fine. That bitch Aoki couldn't fight back." Y/N told Chishiya. "Hmm, your nose is bleeding. Come on, follow me." Chishiya said and started walking towards the rooms.

Y/N followed his lover to his room and Chishiya grabbed a rag and made it wet under the running water.

(the water 🏃)

He lightly cleaned the area between Y/N's lips and nose. Y/N looked at Chishiya with a smirk on his face. After he was done with cleaning the blood, Chishiya looked at him and wrapped his own arms around Y/N's waist.

Chishiya liked the fact that Y/N was taller than him. at least a couple centimeters. Y/N put his arms lazily on each side of Chishiyas head and looked straight into his eyes.

Chishiya had his signature smirk on his face and he pulled Y/N closer and kissed him. It was a soft kiss that   Y/N loved so much. Chishiya knew that he loves them so he gives them often.

Y/N pulled away from the kiss and he looks at Chishiya, touching his nose with his own, and moving it against it a little.

In this moment, Y/N didn't need to hear Chishiya say that he loves him. He could feel it. He could feel the love.

This is a little different than my other stories that i have done. Hope you liked and it was also my first x male reader.

See yall again soon😩👍

Words: 1130

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