Aib Characters Reaction

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Female Best friend telling AIB male characters that she's into girls/lesbian

Characters: Arisu, Chishiya, Niragi, Karube, Tatta, Aguni, Hatter

This is different to my normal content but i don't really care🏃


- Shocked a little
- But understanding
- When you said that you like a girl at the beach he immediately started to smile
- proud
-helps try and get you close to her but fails miserably.
- If you and her end up together he's so happy for you
- third wheel
- i mean he has Usagi so if he feels lonely he goes to her
- "If she hurts you in anyway i'm gonna get revenge" "Please no"


- Probably knew already
- Calm as always
- He knew that you liked a girl the second you started to talk about her.
- He's such an observer that he saw whenever your eyes lit up when you saw her and you couldn't stop talking about her
- If you end up together he's proud but won't show it.
- smirks
- "I always knew you were into her" "How did you-" "It's a secret"


- Surprised
- You thought he would hate you after that
- The conversation went like this:
"Hey Niragi" "Hmm?" "I like girls"
- he stares at you
- You were surprised
- He seems like he doesn't care but he really does
- "You were my last hope and you don't even like guys." Says this dramatically and you just laugh at him.
- if you tell him who you like he'll tease you about it, a lot
- Probably will beat the shit out of everyone who try to flirt with you just so your crush wouldn't think anything
- If you end up together he will be proud of you
- kinda sad that he lost his last bitch
- He likes to see you happy but would never admit it
- Probably will threaten the girl that if she hurts you she won't make it alive.
- But after all he's really supportive.
- Gives pan vibes really strongly
- I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks that a guy is hot😀


- Hypothetically let's say he made it to the beach.
- And when you have been there for a while he saw you looking for someone always
- He asked you once and you told him it was nothing important
-But WHEN you tell him that you like a girl
-He first is cool about it but then his brain, which work slow, understand what you said
-"You what? A girl? eh, same"
- You chuckle at his reaction and tell him who you like.
- This man will try so hard to get you two close to each other.
- He's always a third wheel if you and the girl are hanging out and he joins you.
- Becomes an overprotective mom when you and the girl get together
- Acts like he's fine with it and doesn't care
- But deep down knows he will kill the girl if she hurts you
- He WILL protect you from anything because he acts like your older brother because he's been your best friend for so long.
- But when you and the girl end up together, he is proud.
-Very proud.
-Probably plans a whole ass wedding and you need to remind him where you are that you can't have a wedding in here.


- Smiley
- This man is so positive and smiley all the time.
- When you tell him that you have a crush on someone he starts guessing who.
- "Stop guessing, you'll get it right"  "Is it ___?"
- Knew he got it right when your face went red when he said her name.
- Even more smiley.
- Turns out the girl you like is Tattas friend.
- Everytime he sees you staring at her, he tries to get her to notice somehow.
- He once even dragged you with him and talked to your crush and introduced you to her.
- You were shy and quiet then and Tatta was laughing at your blushy face.
- When you and her end up together, he'll be so happy.
- "I have raised you well my child." He says while hugging you.


- Isn't even shocked to hear it.
- Probably won't even care who you like.
- "I like someone.." "okay." "and it's a girl"
- looks at you with his normal face. "okay."
- You're kinda relieved that he didn't care about it.
- You would spend a lot of time with your crush and he really does not care what you do with your life.
- BUT. he will tell the girl that if she hurts with you, he WILL kill her. No questions asked.
- Is proud when you two get together, but doesn't show it.
- Just wants the best for you, because he has a soft spot for you. You two are so close friends.


- When you first told him, he paused everything he was doing.
- You got a little scared when he just kept staring at you
- "I don't care who your crush is, but at the beach? That's not safe"
- Literally gives you words of wisdom.
- Doesn't want you to get hurt in anyway.
- But if you tell him that you literally love her, he will support that thought.
- He's so protective of you.
- When you end up together, he's proud of you.
- Teases you a lot about the fact that you have a girlfriend.
- Always will make sure you and her are in the same game.
- Protects you and also her because he knows that she means the world to you.
- If the girl hurts you, he'll be hurt too.
- Hates seeing you sad and tries to get revenge on her somehow.

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