vii. a quest for inflicting annoyance

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EVER SINCE CHILDHOOD, Veni truly believed that holding a gun and shooting a person multiple times would be fun and satisfying

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EVER SINCE CHILDHOOD, Veni truly believed that holding a gun and shooting a person multiple times would be fun and satisfying. She was right at some part. But that might only work if the one she was aiming at wouldn't have abilities to deflect them at all.

“Again.” Erik said, making her groan.

Her plan had been to go around and annoy anyone she would lay her eyes on, to bother them while they did something productive which she had lacked. But after being kicked out by Hank from his now proclaimed laboratory, she was found by Erik who asked her to possibly help him with practicing his powers. Veni easily did so the moment she saw the gun and shot him before he could give her the go signal.

What she really expected was for him to be the one extremely close to smacking her from irritation and not the other way around.

“We've been doing this for almost an hour now, aren't you tired?” she asked in exasperation.

Erik didn't falter. “Again.”

“Seriously?” Veni stomped her foot. “We have no more bullets!”

“You've been repairing them with your magic since a while ago, I think that means we have an unlimited supply. Now, again.”

Veni had the sudden itch to strangle him. But alas, she complied, not giving him a second as she pulled the trigger. Erik still seemed ready, smoothly deflecting and repelling the bullet out of harm's way. They did this plenty more times, the girl coming up with different ways to surprise him which never even worked. And after more minutes that passed, she eventually had enough.

“I'm done!” Veni threw the gun towards him, scoffing as he gracefully caught it with his mutation. “You're no fun.”

“I thought you said shooting someone was fun?” He smugly asked.

“Duh, it obviously only works on perverted bastards down the street and not a magnetic idiot.”

Erik almost laughed maniacally as he saw her pinched expression, contentment rising in him as he mentally graced himself at the sight of what appears to be payback for all the times she's gravely affected him.

“You don't like how you're not able to hurt me?” He smirked.

“More like I don't appreciate not being able to kill you.” she corrected. “Didn't you also have this session with Charles?”

“He didn't want to shoot me.”

“Which was intelligent on his part, now that I see it.”

Offense on the man's face was merely pushed away by her, folding her arms over her chest as a brilliant thought came into mind.

“You know what? How about we do this differently. That Shaw guy wouldn't waste his time shooting someone who he knows would be able to get through it.”

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