xiii. early nonsensical arguments

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MOST WOULD THINK that being a person who holds magic inside your core would mean that you are fully capable of doing anything and everything in the world

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MOST WOULD THINK that being a person who holds magic inside your core would mean that you are fully capable of doing anything and everything in the world. That just because you could summon power with a simple spell or that your abilities are boundless due to having multiple incantations to offer, you're already an all mighty celestial who can destroy the universe with a single snap. But no. It was only the assumption that a lot of people usually made when they hear or see the witch with her seemingly limitless wielding of magic.

“ . . . I still don't get how random magic could be. Like, how is it that you said you can't heal internal damages or conditions but then you proceeded to relieve a headache, which is an internal pain by the way. How does that even work?”

Hank had been rambling to her about her powers since the moment she stepped foot in the lab to initially make his ear bleed from her ranting about how and why she needed to have her own design for her suit or else she wouldn't be caught even holding it and spite him by wearing a wedding gown while they head forth into battle when time eventually comes.

Strangely enough, he was quick to agree, but right before Veni thought she could leave peacefully and contentedly about her inferiority, she was then pulled back by the boy himself and babbled endlessly about how her power worked in a very questionable manner. The tables did indeed turn in a matter of seconds.

“I've said it thrice but I'll say it again for you to really get me.” Veni sighed, her face souring more and more and they haven't even reached the dining room yet. “Magic has this idiotic system that even I don't understand sometimes. And it states that when it comes to pain relieving spells, we have to perform some tactile healing, or in other words, we need to touch the wound or injury in order to do it correctly. So tell me, do you want me to stick my hands inside someone's gut just because they're having an internal bleeding? What next? Let me perform a surgery while I'm at it?”

“It still doesn't make sense.” Hank argued strongly. “It's just so flawed! Like, you can stop a person from hitting the ground by making them float but you yourself can't fly. Another is how you transfigure objects out of anything including technology but you can't transfigure technology out of a flower—”

“I can reshape technology if I wanted to! I just need it to have its same purpose like reforming a lamp out of a lamp—”

“–you can protect your mind from intruders but you can't read minds—”

“Hello! I'm not a mental witch—”

“–you have a shield around the mansion that can hide it from anyone's eyes but you cannot turn invisible—”

“Excuse you! It's called an illusion and protection charm—”

“–but you can't illusion yourself to be invisible or look like someone else, can you?”

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