xvi. in the company of thoughts

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FOR THE LAST two days, an unconscious crack to the foundation of their colorful atmosphere was sensed by everyone

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FOR THE LAST two days, an unconscious crack to the foundation of their colorful atmosphere was sensed by everyone. Each individual could hear how quietude settled uncomfortably in the air, like any warmth of laughter had ceased for a long time that you could catch a white ringing from the silence. Or how mealtimes weren't filled with the usual bantering, just sounds of small talk from the mutants and the dinging of the utensils on the plates.

Or how morning no longer consisted of seeing a new thing being added to their rooms. Because no matter how small or big, there'd always be an addition to their sleeping chambers which all of them agreed to keep. In fact, they found warmth in them. They found themselves settling more comfortably as what seemed to be their own flavor were being added to the once bland decor of the rooms and made it thrilling to wake up and be on a little easter egg hunt where they would search for what that bright witch might leave for them. They felt like excited children on a Christmas day as they scurried off to see what dear Santa had gifted them.

Veni didn't even know why she was being like this. Being like someone who suddenly distanced herself from everyone as if she was mourning about a loss. She knew it was stupid. Legitimately and wholly stupid.

She knew she was overreacting, that she was letting this take over her too much which she shouldn't even allow in the first place. And she also knew she should never mix her personal problems with work matters– or whatever matter being in a team who would soon save the world mean– so she shouldn't make her mood dampen the beautiful ambience that blossomed in the Xavier mansion.

The same ambience that she didn't know she actually started and now unknowingly ended, hopefully only temporarily.

Speaking of Charles, he took the role of giving her a visit for the past few days that she locked herself in her room, taking it to himself to softly give her the words she needed. They didn't work. None if them did. In fact, it only made her slightly annoyed because she was too stubborn to see what he was pointing at.

Nonetheless, she didn't push him away despite her irritation, partly because she was aware that he only meant well and wanted to check on her. So she let him be, not even questioning how he knew about what bothered her due to her just putting two and two together and connect how he might have 'unintentionally' heard it from the other side of the party. Or more specifically, that supremely gorgeous boy who he was training.

And oh did the witch feel like a mother who had missed the winning football game of her child.

She heard from the telepath that the blonde was finally successful with grasping his powers by the use of that contraption which Hank had made. That he had also managed to hold his stance and shoot his energy beam towards the middle mannequin and not get hurt by it. And that he had actually said something nice to Hank and give him an honest compliment for his handiwork.

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