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SERMO MADEIS KNEW that her niece had a bright future ahead of her

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SERMO MADEIS KNEW that her niece had a bright future ahead of her. That she was one day going to excel and become successful in any way she wanted.

After a few months from the Cuban Missile Crisis, the young witch finally had her bestowal ceremony and invited the remaining friends left in the mansion, partially because Erik and Raven were too far to even contact. And now a year later, it wasn't hard for the girl to gain a loud name in the society, her talents shining beautifully that her clothing brand became one of the most wealthiest franchise up to date. Yes, she did take fashion designing as her career after weeks of weighing it together with architectural works.

'De Lumine' It was obviously of latin, a brand which was decided from a two-worded line that means 'from light'.

"Babe, relax. Sermo already told you it's fine and that she can handle it."

Alex Summers. The man who stuck so firmly by her side that it made it so easier for them to decipher that they wouldn't and couldn't live life without each other. In fact, he was so determined to keep her with him that he didn't waste time to marry her only a few months after her ceremony. It was a grand wedding. Very grand. And too grand for a wedding that only had a few number of guests. From the vows of the man, Veni came up with their brand name. She almost went with 'Triple V' or even 'VS' or also 'Umbra', but decided against it because she wanted it to be broad.

"We need hundreds more of the same design for the Umbra line, Alex! And we need them tomorrow. To-mo-rrow. Do you hear me? Tomorrow!" Veni Summers fussed, her knees bouncing in anxiousness.

As a person who appreciated things, the witch categorized her lines by the names of the people she cherished. The Umbra line consisted of dark aesthetics, all with gold accents that complimented the look.

"Yeah, I hear you." Alex nodded. "But I think you didn't hear me when I said 'Sermo has it all under control and will duplicate everything with magic because you know... she's also a witch and an owner of your company'."

"You son of a bitch- Our company. You literally own everything because you know... you also worked hard and before you even start about how I did most of the work, you are my husband. Do you get me? It's called an eternal partnership." she enunciated, mocking his way of wording.

"Mhm. I know that." Alex chuckled. "Which is why I bought our fourth customized car because you've been spoiling me with money."

"As you should. You've already donated a lot of it to charity. The least you could do is also use it for yourself."

"But? I hear a but."

"But I still prefer riding my broom. Umbra agrees. Right, Umbra?"


The three of them were currently on the way to the Xavier mansion for their frequent visits. Of course, Charles insisted that they didn't need to do such thing. But they were stubborn, just as before, and they surprised him with their appearances to the school. The best part was the telepath couldn't expect their presence, being blocked from the two of their minds as Veni learned how to do so.

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