xiv. battle of knots and languages

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JUST LIKE EVERY other time, Veni was the one to quickly remove herself from the raging spotlight of attention and blurt out words that would eventually make that awful awkward silence get away because she was not going to allow precious tickings t...

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JUST LIKE EVERY other time, Veni was the one to quickly remove herself from the raging spotlight of attention and blurt out words that would eventually make that awful awkward silence get away because she was not going to allow precious tickings to be wasted by not making proper use of it.

So she gasped, loudly, and quite frankly, theatrically. “PDA, Charles! Charles did you see that? Did you see it, Charles? Because I sure did. Operation getting rid of PDA should be implemented by now!”

Charles let out a breathy chuckle, not by her literal words, but by how sudden it was that it made him scoff out his morning drink.

“Yes, I did see that, Veni. But thank you for giving it the emphasis that it definitely needed.” the telepath nodded like he was a hundred percent agreeing with her. “And Raven? You may get back to your own face now, I think you already proved your point.”

Of course he understood what just happened. Veni thought bitterly. Why wouldn't he? He's an extremely smart guy who could read minds, it would be an embarrassment for him to not catch the simple signals.

“Prove what point?” Alex suddenly questioned, making Veni's eyes widen in panic.

“About if you—”

No way, bitch! Not today! Veni mentally exclaimed as she interrupted a grinning Raven, giving out the most innocent smile she could offer to the confused boy.

“About proving the awareness of PDA! Yes, that's it.” she silently cheered herself. “We had a talk with dear Charles last night and unexpectedly went to the topic about relationships. Words were said and the conversation flowed until we reached the part about PDA. Poor man mutually agreed with me about how intimacy should be kept private!”

By now, everyone who knew were stifling their laughs, finding her desperation so amusing.

“Right, Charles?” she kindly said, flaring her eyes at him in subtlety.

The telepath disguised his merriment with a cough, a serious facade claiming his features. “Yes, yes. We did just that.”

Alex just nodded unbotheredly, making Veni release a breath she didn't know she was holding.

“Oh but,” Raven, who was back to her normalized appearance, started. She smirked as the witch gave her a warning glare. “Do tell us why you came to the topic of relationships.”

“I agree. Why would you ever reach such random subject with Charles?” Hank nodded, a cheeky grin being hidden as he covered it with his mug.

Erik stayed silent as he merely listened. He was a master of hiding emotions of course, so it was easy for him to put up a blank mask. Perhaps it was out of pity or to mindlessly show that he meant serious business, the latter because he was normally seen as the vengeance-seeking mutant. And pity because the girl was sitting next to him, and he could tell without doubt that she was tied to a thin leash and as soon as she breaks it, curses might just truly fly.

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